Yaldabaoth -1

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So I skipped the fight all the way up the bone path, and I am not sorry. It also turns out that apparently, I was thinking of the Holy Grail fight earlier. Sorry about that, but Y/N fell on her ass. It was funny.


Silence. Not quite, but pretty damn close. Acid rain from before trickles on the path before us. Everyone with me is gathering their breath, mentally preparing themselves to go back to the fight in Mementos.

"There aren't any enemies in the area, Joker," Oracle mumbles, checking something on her wrist. "But I think this is also our last chance to heal before the big fight."

A couple of others chime in, and I dismiss it. Joker takes care of us; I'm not worried.


Come on. "What?"


Joker's so damn needy. "If."

"Cheeseburger on the last step if you take us in five minutes."

"Deal made. I'll be ready in five." I put my hand up to block out the conversation going on by the walkway into the heart of Mementos.

"Do you really need the burger?"

"I don't remember asking your opinion?" I grin, then look up at Yusuke. "Don't be jealous because he didn't offer you one."

"He did, but I declined. I'm fine on SP right now."

"That's right now."

With a grunt, he sits beside me, and I lean my head into his shoulder. Such repeated motions, but they're comfortable. He lifts his arm and wraps it around me, his hand resting on my stomach. "Perhaps you'll split it with me?"

"Maybe. No promises."

With a crinkle, he pushes his mask up to his head and then places a kiss on my hair. "I'm convinced you may be full of yourself, Y/N. However, I do love you very much despite that fact."

"Of course you would."

Yusuke chuckles. "Are you doing alright otherwise?"

"I am. How's your hand?"

"It has felt better. However, this is a small sacrifice to make for life to resume normalcy."

I hum at him, not really sure what to say after that. We're too close to saving the world for me to be a naggy bitch. "Agreed. But when we're done here, you're going back to Takemi."

He scoffs a little bit, and I know he rolled his eyes at me. I know it. It's just...


"Everything is going to be fine after this, Y/N." The wind begins to pick up as I look up at him. "No one is going anywhere, neither of us is drifting apart. After this is all said and done, you and I are still going to sleep by one another tonight."

I hate that he can see right through me. I think it to myself all the time, but I feel like, maybe it's good that my fears are predictable. Maybe it's good that I'm afraid to lose him?

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be. If anything, I find it rather refreshing that you are not looking to replace me."

I reach up and hit his shoulder. "That's not what I was saying! Come on!"

He cackles. "My apologies. However can I make it up to you?"

I purse my lips at him, thinking about something stupid I could tell him. Something so ridiculous that could make him stop his smartass thinking for a few seconds. Temporarily stun him.

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