Yaldabaoth- 2

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I am appalled you guys. SMH no votes on last chapter. I'm writing this instead of playing Pokemon, and I got Violet for free.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I think the worst part about being a heroine in this day in age is you have to save yourself, or you don't get the credit for being saved. You get knocked down a peg to the damsel in distress, and I'm not standing for it. 

Actually, I'm plunging closer to my death, so I'm not really standing, I'm lying down. My vision hasn't cleared from the dark gross from Yaldabaoth and his bell, and my hearing is slowly coming back. My back hurts from the plunging and the wind pushing upward, and my breath has escaped me. I'm gasping and I'm ready to give up.

Something cracks several feet above me, and I can catch a glimpse of color, but I'm not sure which one. It seems kind of worthless at this point; I don't really want to do this anymore. 

I was spewing all kinds of bullshit about how I can do this for others, even though no one believed. No one except us. What a load of garbage.



Dickheads, even. So many bad words to describe them. 

My knives cling against my hips, then each other as tradewinds whistle in my ears. So I can hear again. I think what really does it for me is the eerie silence below me. No crowds cry out, not even regular Shibuya noise; just dead silence. 

Then the fear hits: the next sound I hear could be the crushing of my bones on asphalt. That terrifies me. Fragments, shattering, and it makes my stomach turn. I can see it; one final cough and maybe a little blood dribbling out of my mouth and...

I don't want that. That is the thing I want the least. 

I want my vision to clear, but I don't want to fall. It's exhausting and I need to do something else.

Desperately, I rub my eyes, hoping that whatever the black stuff is will go away. My eyelids sting against the cloth of my gloves, and I'm pressing too hard. My second strategy is to blink quickly. 

Fuck all that. I'm gonna have to cry. I don't want to, but if I cry it out, I have to think of something to cry about. And I just don't want to. 

Once again, if you want this shit done right, you have to do it yourself. And I will do just that. 

I don't know what my SP is at, but we're going to say fuck it. I rip my mask from my face and shut my eyes, clinging to the hope that all the noise is going to disappear in a few short minutes. Not death, but floating between realms, some magic like that.

Silence again, and my vision clears. Shuffling really works wonders. I look down and feel my hips, counting all the knives that should be there. I have all of them, I have both my guns, and now I am waiting on landing. 

I just hope things are going well up there. I hope Yusuke snaps out of whatever the fuck he's in, and I hope no one else has plummeted. No one else is ailing or so very wrong. 

Oh, who am I kidding? We're badasses. We're never in trouble. 

My feet hit the ground, and the vibration shakes my ankles really hard. No one is down, and Yaldabaoth is waving a sword about, telling us we have no means of escape. I think that's a load of crap, and I bite my lip to stop myself from telling him to shove it. 

Yaldabaoth swings his sword, and I hit the ground to avoid being hit. 

Lightning rains from the heavens and wind swirls with an icy undertone around the bell in Yaldabaoth's upper left arm. A sharp crack pierces the air, and the bell falls away. 

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