Quite Right - 1

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Akechi, Akechi, Akechi. Came back from the dead. Anyway, from here on out, we skippin' Christmas because it's time for the good stuff.

Third Person - Akira

For him, the first weird thing happened when Akechi showed up. He was thrilled, but at the same time, Akechi is dead. Akira was there. Akechi shot at Y/N, Yusuke lost feeling in his hand, and the hull separator slammed down, following no vital signs on the opposite side. Akechi was dead.

Now Akechi's testimony is putting Shido in prison for good, and Akira's charge for assault is getting dropped. The lady in the alley came forward, stacking another charge against Shido. Things are looking up, but at what cost?

The second thing was the dream in Shujin. Parading from the nurse's office in his prisoner outfit, handcuffed with a ball and chain dragging behind him. The other catch? The wishes of his teammates. Not like being a Phantom Thief wasn't enough, but... what could've been instead of being a Phantom Thief.

Feeding off of that, of all people, Maruki's voice is over the intercom, asking him where he was going. Takuto Maruki was a therapist or something... not someone who understood those on a deeper level? Maruki wasn't supposed to enter his head yet. He wasn't supposed to enter Akira's head at all.

But, whatever. It's over and done with, and today is the beginning of the New Year. Akira sits up and checks his phone, just as it starts ringing. The name lights up, bearing 'Yoshizawa' in white text. 

"Good morning!" She chirps, and Akira shuts one eye in response. "Were you still asleep, Kurusu-senpai?"

"Well, I'm up now," he replies, pulling his phone away from his ear to check the time. 

"I'm sorry!" She offers. "I didn't mean to wake you! I feel awkward asking this now that I've woken you up, but..." Kasumi pauses, takes a breath, and continues. "Remember promising me that we'd go pay our respects to the shrine together on New Year's Day?"

"Kinda?" Akira nods, frantically searching for the memory. 

"Great! Well, today's the day, if you want to keep that promise. I realize this may be a bit forward of me, but... what do you say to accompanying me to Meiji Shrine this afternoon?"

"Sure," Akira agrees, not missing a beat.

"Really? Great! Thank you! It'll probably be pretty crowded today, but it oughtn't be too bad in the afternoon, I hope."

"I'm sure we'll be fine."

Kasumi giggles into the phone. "I must agree. I'll make sure to pray to the gods that it won't be so crowded. Oh, shoot," she huffs, "I hope that doesn't count as me wishing before making my offering."

"Heeey," Sojiro drones from the bottom of the stairs, "are you up yet?"

"Well, let's meet at the shrine at noon. I'll see you soon!" 

Kasumi hangs up just as Akira agrees to help Sojiro downstairs. Akira stands up and looks at the pile of clothes across his bedroom, deciding that today is going to be a jeans and peacoat kind of day. However, if he's going to do dishes (and he knows that) he sticks with just a long sleeve shirt for his top.

It doesn't take him long to change and find his glasses, and he is greeted at the bottom of the stairs with an apology. "Sorry to make work your first activity of the new year." Akira wipes his hands on his apron and shakes his head.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Sojiro pauses then grins. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."

"And I hope you'll continue getting along with Futaba and myself."

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