not so regular

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this all came out of a long bus trip with nothing to do...i'll update every day for a week and a day. sorry if it's a little rough, sleep deprivation and all

prompt #1 - "I'm in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? wait you've read that book? let's have an in depth conversation about it"



A small blonde was at the opposite end of the store, wildly jumping in a desperate attempt to reach something on the bookshelf. Unfortunately for her, she was quite short, and whatever book she was wanting was on the top shelf. She was huffing and her curly blonde hair got larger and crazier at every wild swing she made.

Bellamy watched her amusedly from behind the cash register, leaning lazily on his arm, head in hand. Tt was rather adorable, and it wasn't like he had anything else to do. Even though he had the afternoon shift, hardly any people came in. as much as he loved this little run down bookshop, it sure didn't get much customer attention. However, there were a few regulars.

The small blonde in the store was one of them. He saw her maybe once a week, and she was always cordial, but usually distracted and in a rush. Bellamy wasn't sure if she was running late today or just flustered about the 'small' issue of not being able to reach her book.

With one last look at the door, just to make sure no one else was coming in, he made a split second decision. Fighting a grin, he stepped out behind the counter and made his way over to the focused girl, who currently had her hands planted firmly on her hips. As he approached behind her, he couldn't help but notice the section she was looking at. History? Really? He could've pegged the blonde for a lot of things, but he never could've imagined history...he was chuffed, honestly.

Choosing that moment to make his entrance, he leaned over her shoulder. "Need some help?"

She jumped back and bumped into his chest, her face getting redder by the second.

"Um..," she looked at the ground sheepishly as she took a step away from Bellamy. "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind."

He laughed softly and eased toward the bookshelf. "What were you looking at, princess?" The moniker came out of his mouth with ease, almost as if this was a natural thing to call the bookstore's pretty regular. It definitely wasn't, he had never actually spoken to her before, but it fit like a glove.

She sighed, crossing her arms. but when he turned to smile at her, the annoyance dissipated from her face and in its place, a smile had begun to emerge. "Dante," she replied, eyes flicking up to the top shelf. "It's as high as you can get," she said drily.

"Much to my assistance," Bellamy said cheekily.

She quirked and eyebrow at him, and he put his hands up in surrender. "What? I like to see pretty little blonde regulars in here work for it. "

She laughed, and waved him off. "It's not princess, or pretty little blonde regular. It's Clarke."

He pulled the book easily out of its' home on the shelf and placed it in her waiting hands. "Alright, then Clarke," he said, leading her over to the checkout counter. "I have to admit I never had you pegged for a history kind of girl."

Clarke shrugged, following his lead to the counter, placed her bag on the counter, as well as the book. "It's not my forte, but I really like Virgil and homer, so one of my friends suggested Dante."

Bellamy rang her up, taking his sweet time. He wasn't about to dismiss this girl as soon as he had finally had an actual conversation with her, about history, no less.

"I approve," he said with a grin. "And if you ever needed any clarification on it, I could certainly help you out..."

She looked indignant. "Are you insinuating I'm not smart enough to understand it?" She briskly handed him her card, and he swiped it.

"No, no!" he said hurriedly. "It's just I'm a classics major, so..." Bellamy rubbed the back of his neck, and avoided eye contact. "I'm sorry if that sounded rude." He bagged her book, and set it on the counter.

She lightened up at the prospect and leaned forward on the counter. "could you?"

Bellamy smiled genuinely. "Absolutely."

"Alright, then," Clarke said, a twinkle in her eye. "Meet me at the cafe for coffee this Saturday at 11."

Bellamy's eyes widened with realization, and he was astounded. He expected her to laugh off the offer rather than accept it. "Sure!" he replied rather quickly.

She picked up her bag from the counter, winked at him, and waltzed out, but not before calling "It's a date!" out over her shoulder.

It was safe to say the rest of Bellamy's day passed by in a Clarke filled haze.

Not that he minded.

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