heart eyes and heart stickers

561 30 0

prompt #3

"we're both baristas and sometimes I have trouble reaching for things and I show up at work one day to find a personalized stool with hearts and my name on it I hATE YOU but also thanks"

a/n: for carly! :)

Clarke loved nothing more than serving good coffee. It was artistry in its own right. Rather, she liked drawing pictures in the coffee foam. The customers ate it up, and she increased the flow of customers during her shift. Clarke was pretty sure that was the only reason she hadn't been fired yet.

She was a bit of a klutz. It wasn't her fault though, not really. She couldn't help that she was short and had a hard time reaching some of the supplies that were beyond her reach. She'd managed to knock things down enough that it had drawn the attention of her coworker, Bellamy.

Bellamy was the complete opposite of Clarke. He may not have had any artistic skill, but he supplied the people centric atmosphere that Clarke lacked. They made a great team whenever they worked shifts together, but Bellamy made sure he took advantage of every chance he had to tease Clarke about her height inferiority.

One day, Clarke had enough. She was tired of not being able to reach things, so she perilously tried to climb the shelf, only to be startled by Bellamy's amused snickers behind her. She turned her head to shoot him a glare and consequently lost her grip. Clarke landed on her back. Bellamy stepped into her line of sight, a wicked grin on his face.

"Need some help, princess?"

"No," Clarke huffed and pulled herself up.

He crossed his arms as if pleased with the situation. "Suit yourself."

"The nerve of that guy," Clarke muttered under her breath.

Fortunately, Clarke finished the rest of their shift without either falling or knocking anything else over.

When Clarke came into the work next day, she headed straight for the back. She was going to do her best to get supplies down before Bellamy showed up, just in case an incident would happen again. But when Clarke opened the door, she found a black stool with little heart stickers all over it. When she drew closer, she realized it also had her name on it.

Clarke scowled. Bellamy was just making fun of her about this. She went back to the front of the store, only to find Bellamy wiping down tables and whistling.

"What is THAT?"

He stopped and leaned forward on the table.

"What's what, princess?"

She frowned and gestured wildly toward the stock room. "You know."

"Oh, that," Bellamy drawled. "I believe the words you're looking for is thank you."

"I don't need this!"

The smile dropped from his face. "I was just trying to help-"

"With little heart stickers? Really."

"Maybe that was pushing the envelope-"

"Just a little," Clarke deadpanned.

"How else was I supposed to get your attention in a nonconventional way?"

Clarke's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

Bellamy ran his hand through his hair and looked at the ceiling as if asking for divine patience. "Princess, you never pay any attention to me unless I'm irritating you. I thought I would try a different approach, but I guess it worked in a bittersweet way. "


He smiled sadly at her. "You're talking to me, but you think I'm being mean."

"Bellamy, I-"

"It's fine, Clarke. Better get started on the morning round. Use the stool or don't. I don't care. "He resumed wiping the counters, but the playful whistle had died from his lips.

Clarke returned to the stock room and peered at the daunting shelf. She closed her eyes and counted to ten. Maybe Bellamy and she had more chemistry than she previously thought. That's why their banter worked so well, and his had become less barbed the past couple of weeks.

With one last look at the door, she pulled the stool out and easily got the supplies down. Clarke carried them to their workstation and began to put them away.

Bellamy leaned over the counter and looked curiously at the supplies. "You used the stool?"

"Maybe," Clarke said as she bit her lip. "Look, I-"

"No, it's fine, Clarke. I didn't expect you to feel the same way. No pressure." Bellamy smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

Deciding to trust her gut, she grabbed his shirt before he was able to lean away from the counter and pressed her lips to his. He responded eagerly, pressing his hands to cup her cheeks. She wound her fingers through his curly hair, and pulled him as close as she possibly could with a counter separating them.

When the pulled apart, Bellamy rested his forehead on hers. "I'm really hoping you meant that," he said with a raspy voice.

"Just because I'm a little stubborn sometimes doesn't mean I can't make right decisions when it's important."

Needless to say, that was only the start of a different kind of banter at the coffee shop.

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