lucky charms, lucky stars

565 24 3

prompt #2
"you were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf's worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help"

for the lovely maddie. my muse ;)

A crash resounded through the apartment, waking Bellamy from his deep sleep. He pulled on a shirt and headed to the kitchen, which seemed to be the source of the racket, to go see what his sister had done this time.

Instead of Octavia, however, it was Clarke, Octavia's best friend. She was here at least 75% of the time, even though she adamantly protested she had her own apartment. She didn't seem to use it much. The Blake's apartment was like a second home to her, as Octavia was a sister, and Bellamy was that annoying older brother who sometimes gave her rides on a good day.

Clarke sat on the floor, limbs sprawled, amidst a pile of cereal boxes. It seemed as if they declared war on her when she tried to get cereal, which Bellamy admittedly stocked on the top shelf. If he didn't, it was too easy for Monty to get, and Monty had a thing for lucky charms. This was Bellamy's favorite type of cereal, and no matter how much he loved his friend, it was his cereal.

He approached his sister's friend cautiously, poking her with his outstretched foot. "Are you okay?"

She glared at him from amidst the rubble. "The cereal attacked me."

Bellamy snickered, offering his hand to pull her up, which she reluctantly accepted and was pulled to her feet. "I keep it on the top for a reason, princess."

She huffed, and leaned down to pick up the fallen cereal boxes. "That's not fair," she muttered.

"What's that?" Bellamy cupped his ear with his hand. "You're complaining about where I put the cereal in my apartment?"

"You know I like to eat here in the mornings if I stay the night," she whined. Clarke began handing him the boxes to put away, but set the box of lucky charms aside.

"Yeah, yeah," Bellamy said, organizing the boxes as they were before Clarke had assaulted them. Turning back to Clarke, he found her with a spoon of lucky charms halfway to her mouth. She smiled deviously at him before taking a bite, her eyes never leaving his.

He narrowed his eyes at her, but as it was 8 in the morning, he didn't feel awake enough to spar with the little blonde spitfire in his kitchen. Bellamy sighed, joining her on a barstool. She poured him a bowl, and they ate together in a comfortable silence.

He glanced at her bowl, and frowned. "You're not even eating it right."

Clarke stuck her tongue out at him. "It's cereal, silly. How else am I supposed to eat it?"

Bellamy showcased his bowl. "You eat all the oats first, and save the marshmallows for last."

Clarke's eyes widened in realization. "'Tavia does that too."

"Who do you think taught her that?"

She laughed and nudged him with her elbow. Bellamy decided sharing his lucky charms with Clarke wasn't the worst way to start a day. She was good company, and even cleaned her bowl out when she was done.

The next time Clarke was over and decided she wanted breakfast, she noticed the cereal was where it always had been- but there was a box of lucky charms on the middle shelf (in easy reach) with a post it note stuck to the side that read:

got you your own box. try not to spill this time :)

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