chapstick, chapped lips, and things like chemistry

612 27 4

prompt #4

"you are very tall and I am very short so you run into me all the time and honestly this is getting ridiculous"

a/n: for @skeleton-ships :)

High school was a dangerous place for any teenager, but it was especially life-threatening when you were short. Clarke was constantly on edge throughout the day, especially during the five minute passing periods. She got ran over constantly, but no one was a more common offender than Bellamy blake.

He was the school's starting quarterback and the king of the school. To his own credit he wasn't the kind of popular that demanded everyone to like him; they either revered him or feared him. Bellamy was fine with either as long as people stayed out of way. Clarke did her best to stay out of his way as much as possible, but when you're that short in a crowd of people much taller than you, you can't necessarily see where you're going. At all.

At first, Clarke chalked it off as an accident. The second, an unlucky coincidence. The third, annoying as all get out. When the fourth time rolled around, Clarke was ready to bite his head off, screw his popularity.

She got to the point where she started taking alternate routes to her classrooms. Sure, Clarke still got jostled and bumped around, but it was better than face planting into Bellamy's chest. It had been humiliating enough the first four times, thank you very much. He had just smirked down at her and quipped some sarcastic or innuendo laden comment about the situation. The third time it happened, he even had the gall to place his hands on her upper arms to "steady" her. As eloquent as Clarke was, she could never seem to respond with such vigor, and usually ended up mumbling that she was sorry, turning red, and scampering off. Fortunately, switching routes had solved that problem.

The next week, Clarke was headed to her philosophy class like any other Monday when she ran into none other than Bellamy Blake. Her books fell to the floor and she followed suit. She sat up and rubbed her back. "Okay, Blake," she found her voice. "I understand you play football, but keep it out on the field, and STOP SHOULDER CHECKING THE OTHER, SMALLER UPPERCLASSMEN." Clarke scowled at him, and was pleased to see that he flinched, even if only a little bit.

He offered her a hand, but his signature wicked grin remained on his face. Clarke reluctantly accepted it. She turned without another look to go before she was late and heard him call in a teasing tone, "same time tomorrow, Griffin?"

He only laughed when she gave him the finger.

Sure enough, he was there the next day. Surprisingly, he didn't physically assault her as per usual. she glared at him. "What do you want?"

He took on an offended persona. "Who, me? I just wanted to walk you to class..."

Despite herself, Clarke couldn't resist those puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," she grumbled, shoving her textbooks into his chest. "But you have to carry these."

Bellamy acquiesced without protest, easily falling into step with Clarke. Where he walked, people scrambled out of the way. She began to think that either she never watched where she was going or Bellamy definitely chose to run into her every day.

She sighed. "Why do you choose to torment me?"

He chuckled lightly, and nudged her shoulder with his. "It's fun. And you're cute when you're flustered."

Clarke whipped her head around to find him actually looking shockingly sincere for once. She stopped in the middle of the hallway. Bellamy looked concerned and followed suit. "What's wrong?"

She poked at his chest. "Who are you and what did you do with Bellamy Blake?"

He grabbed her finger and didn't let go when she tried to pull away. The crowd flowed like a river around an island, ebbing and increasing around the edges of the halls. Clarke knew that they were being an obstruction, but at the moment, she could care less.

"What do you mean?" he asked, brow furrowed.

"What happened to the boy who runs me over constantly and never apologizes?"

Bellamy looked a little embarrassed. "Oh, that?"

"Yes, that," she agreed flatly.

"It was a coincidence-"

"It definitely wasn't, I see how people part the hallways for you. If it happened once or twice, that's understandable. But not FIVE. and even if it was a coincidence, that doesn't explain why you're walking me to class."

Bellamy ran his hand through his hair nervously and took a deep breath. "The first time was an accident, I swear. But then I noticed you're the only one who doesn't treat me different..." he trailed off. "But I liked it. And I tried to get your attention the rest of the day, but you were either busy with your friends or a book and you never gave me the time of day. I figured if the only chance I have to get your attention is to run into you in the godforsaken hallway, so be it."

Clarke couldn't help but laugh. "You run into me in the hallway to get my attention?"

He ducked his head. "Murphy said it was a good idea."

"You could talk to me, you know," she offered. "I'm not that unapproachable."

"I was afraid you'd shut me down. Like this," he sighed.

She took her books from him with a smile that hadn't graced her face in a while. "Just so you know, I'm not shutting you down. Try talking to me sometime rather than steamrolling me in the hallway."

Clarke left him astounded in the middle of the hallway. When she got to her class, Raven pounced. "What happened? Why are you almost late? You're never almost late."

"I got a little held up."

"by who?" Raven leaned in excitedly.

"Let's just say the hallway encounter with Blake ran a little smoother than normal," Clarke answered, covering a smile with her hand.

"As in...?"

"He's been running into me on purpose, and he walked me to class today," Clarke admitted.

Raven slammed her hand on the table. "YES. I so called it. You owe me ten, Monty!"

"Miss Reyes, you are disrupting my classroom. Be quiet or you will be sent to the office."

Raven frowned and leaned back into her desk, leaving Clarke to stew over what happened by herself. all in all, she had to admit, this would be the start of something very different. She wasn't quite sure where it would lead, but she was sure she would like it.

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