i will kick you, i swear

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prompt #6

"we're on the bus and I'm really not trying to take up your space I'm sorry I just have rly long legs"

for lana :))


Clarke freaking loved her class road trips. She attended a small school that could afford to rent a charter bus to send the kids on educational overnight field trips. Clarke was beyond ecstatic. That is, until it came time for sleeping.

Sleeping in cars is uncomfortable, but sleeping on the bus was worse. Everyone had a "bus buddy" and there were no extra seats. This meant the students either had to share the seats, or one student slept on the floor while the other took the seats.

Raven opted for the seats, pulling the "I have a jank leg" card, which Clarke had to begrudgingly acquiesce to. Raven rarely ever pulled the leg card, so when she did, she got want she wanted. She hated being pitied, but she liked sleep more.

As Clarke sat on the floor, she eased down so her head was under the seats and her feet jutted out into the aisle. She was pretty short, so she was able to fully stretch out. This provided as decent as a sleeping position as one could get on the bus.

Clarke was almost asleep when she was rudely kicked by someone else across the aisle. Figuring it was an accident, she turned over, only to be kicked again. She sat up and hissed, "knock it off. I'm not even taking up much room at all."

The offender sat up, and as Clarke's vision adjusted in the dark, she saw a tall, broad shouldered, aesthetically attractive high school boy. He looked sheepish and pulled his legs closer to his body.

"I'm really sorry," he said in a rush. "I don't mean to be taking up your space. I just," he gestured to his long legs. "have really long legs. I'm really sorry, I'll try to be more careful."

He began to lie down, but Clarke put a hand on his knee, stopping him. "It's okay..."

"Bellamy," he supplied helpfully.

"Bellamy," she said, letting the boy's name situate on her tongue. It fit him extremely well. It meant handsome in French, and that he was. "It really is okay."

He smiled at her, reclining back. "Sleep well," Bellamy said, disappearing back into the shadows.

"You too," Clarke whispered. That night, instead of being caught up with her unfortunate sleeping situation (and even in spite of Bellamy's promise, he did kick her a few more times), she slept well and had some very interesting dreams, which may or may not have included the boy across the aisle.

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