shot to the heart (and you're to blame)

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prompt #7

"we're at a concert and I can't see a thing let me sit on your shoulders, maybe?"

for jordyn :)))


Bellamy was beyond stoked. He often frequented such large concerts, but he had never had such a great spot. He had tried front row before, and while he loved how close he was and how great of pictures he could take, the constant jostling did nothing but disrupt his practice. The back wasn't any better. His camera was nice, but a camera can only zoom so much before it starts to look grainy. He needed to be closer, but not surrounded by a mosh pit.

His spot of choice this time around had been provided by the venue and his lucky stars. He hadn't intended to stay there. it was an outside venue, and the ground wasn't completely flat. Bellamy had decided to go to higher ground to scope out a spot, but when he found this spot was maybe 50 feet from the stage and off to the right, he knew it was the perfect place to stay.

Although he was a photographer, Bellamy was no professional, and did not receive a coveted reserved spot down front. It was one thing to take pictures front row, but to have a blocked off area behind the barricade where you could take them without being disrupted...that's the life.

However, he still was one of the first to make it in, and found his prized spot before the rest of the crowd began to swarm in around him.

Before he knew it, the concert was in full swing. The opening act came out, and the crowd was completely ecstatic. Bellamy silently gave thanks for his height in situations like this. He could easily see around the short girls and teenage guys who hadn't grown into their height yet. He continued snapping pictures to his heart's delight.

Halfway through the opening act, he felt a tap on his shoulder from a very short blonde with hands crossed over her chest. Despite being small, she seemed determined to hold her space, and stood her ground like a warrior. She would be intimidating if she wasn't, you know, 5 feet tall.

"Can I help you?" Bellamy asked, returning his focus to the camera. He was just about to get the perfect shot of the lead guitarist when she hit him again on the shoulder, harder this time.

She looked as if she meant business. "I can't see."

Bellamy narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm not standing in front of you."

"Yeah, well, can I sit on your shoulders?" at this point the girl at least had the decency to look a tad sheepish. This wasn't something you often asked friends, let alone strangers.

"Do I not look busy?" he gestured to his camera.

She waved him off. "If that's what you're worried about, I'm an art major with a minor in photography. I'm sure I'll be able to see better than you can up there. I can take better pictures. "

"I don't even know your name."

"Clarke," the girl offered. "Do we have a deal or not?"

"Fine," he muttered begrudgingly. "Just don't drop my baby."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Clarke drawled.

Bellamy set his equipment down and let her clamber onto his back. He handed up the camera to her with a warning of "be careful or this will NOT be good for you." Clarke just chuckled and patted his head in amusement, her hand lingering in his curls just a second too long. When Bellamy looked up at her with a questioning glance, she just smirked at him and began to focus the camera.

Even with a girl on his back, Bellamy could still see relatively well, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was having more fun than he normally had at concerts. When he snuck glances at the girl on his shoulders, he was satisfied with the fact that she was having a great as time as he was. From time to time they exchanged witty banter in between belting out every line from every song. Bellamy loved the band, and apparently so did Clarke, if her awkwardly all out dancing to the music was any indication. But when she caught his eye she didn't get embarrassed, she just smiled. Bellamy knew at that very moment he wanted to know this girl.

As the concert ended and people began to file out of the venue, Clarke stayed perched on his shoulders until there was room to set her down. She then hopped down, dusted herself, and handed him his camera. "Thanks," Clarke said with a bright smile. As she turned to go, Bellamy's hand (of its own accord, he swears) latched around her wrist. "Uh, wait."

She canted her head with a knowing smile, prodding him to make his next move.

"Can I have your number?"

She pulled out a sharpie and turned over his hand to scrawl numbers on the back, followed by a heart. "Took you long enough," Clarke said with a playful grin and sauntered off.

Bellamy was probably the last one out of the venue, but he could care less. This was the best day ever.

Bellarke Oneshots!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin