small spaces, big surprises

572 26 1

prompt #5

"I'm in art class and I just opened a cupboard to find a tiny person (you) squished inside and you just looked at me and said "shhh I'm hiding"

a/n: for midnightrain910 :))

Bellamy loved his TA job. He really did. But what he didn't love was running errands for his teacher, especially ones that were NOT necessary for Bellamy to do, such as this one in particular.

He had been sent off on a 'mission' to retrieve certain prints of late renaissance art from the art wing, but Bellamy had a sneaking suspicion that wasn't the reason he was wasting his TA's time with simple errands. His professor had a crush on one of the art department professors-one who specialized in Renaissance art. Go figure.

Bellamy assumed in addition to whatever art had been prepared for him to grab there would be some sort of note. He didn't know, didn't want to know. Whatever got his TA period over with quicker. He was a no nonsense type of person, and the less drama he could get himself involved with, the better.

He reluctantly ascended the steps of the art building. Honestly, Bellamy appreciated the actual building more than its content. It had been beautifully assembled, and even though it was old, it was still architecturally incredible. He burst through the doors, purposefully striding towards the left wing.

Bellamy pushed the heavy wooden door open slowly. "Hello?" he called cautiously. The lights were on, but no one seemed to be around. Bellamy groaned internally. This was just going to make finding the prints that much harder. He checked her desk first, but it was only covered in a random assortment of pens, post it notes, and half-finished sketches.

With utter annoyance, he began to search the rest of the room. The desks yielded no results, and neither did the cabinets. He was surprised her TA wasn't even around, and even more surprised she hadn't at least made some sort of effort to make it easy for Bellamy to find the art.

As a last option, Bellamy sauntered toward the back of the room, aiming for the built in cabinets. He rifled through the first two with no luck, but was met with a surprise at his findings in the third.

The sight of a small blonde curled in the bottom of the cabinet greeted him. He canted his head, but before he could question her, she silenced him.

"Shhh!" she said determinedly. "I'm hiding."

Bellamy narrowed his eyes at her. No matter how adorable she looked, she was still hiding in a an empty classroom.

Footsteps sounded down the hall, and the girl looked at him desperately. "Please! Close the door."

He shut the door quickly, spinning to face a young man, about the girl's age, opening the art room door. "Hi, he said hurriedly. "Have you seen Clarke?"

Bellamy sighed, crossing his arms. "Do I look like I care?"

The boy looked distraught, running his hand through his long hair. "Please? She's my--well--just, if you see her, tell her Finn was looking for her. "

He disappeared as quickly as he had entered, and the blonde threw the cabinet door open.

"Thank you," she gushed and then glanced distastefully at the door. "He's my ex, and for some reason, he thinks he still has a chance."

Entranced by Clarke and her ferocity, and being not quite in control of his filter, he asked, "Does he?"

She turned back to him with a smile. "Not at all."

"Do I?"

She pretended to give him a once over, finger tapping her chin. "Considering you saved me, I say I at least owe you a chance."

"One that I'll gladly take," Bellamy said with an easy grin.

This was the first time Bellamy had walked out of the art building in a good mood, and it certainly wasn't the last.

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