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Doing her normal routine and getting dressed in appropriate exercise clothing, that consisted of; ski pants, tank top and the converse from the day before, tying her hair back in a ponytail as well. She was more nervous training with Spy than she was with Sniper. She knew Spy was much different and wouldn't be caught dead with them if he had a choice. Wondering what his teaching method was and if it involved getting hurt.

He had told her at breakfast to meet him in the training gym. She did not however know where that was. She only knew where the main room, sleeping quarters, infirmary, interrogation room and the locker rooms were. Scout did not mind telling her and showing her where it was, but he did not want to leave her alone with Spy and he definitely did not trust Spy enough to make sure she would not get too badly hurt. He was not the only one; Heavy and Engineer sat on the side lines as well, watching the training commence.

In the middle of a boxing ring Spy stood with one hand behind his back and the other holding a cigarette. Climbing through the ropes she stood in front of him folding her arms. "So, what are we doing?" Smirking slightly, he spun a butterfly knife around his free hand's fingers stopping with the blade pointed to her. "Hand-to-hand with knifes." Walking around her, he played with the knife between his fingers, "Yee have alrgready impressed us with yeer normal fightin', but how argre yee with a knife?" Eyeing him as he circled her, she did not know how to fight with a knife herself but knew some defense against a knife attack. "Not quite sure." 

Stomping the cigarette butt he smirked once more and sliced the knife near her face, causing her to flinch and back away. Standing at the ready Spy stood up right with the knife by his side. "I thought you said knife-to-knife? Not hand-to-knife!" She retorted as they circled one another. "Must have forgrgotten to mention it." Lunging towards her with the knife she hit his arm away throwing her own punch but received an elbow to her ribs. "Remember yeer opponent will not mention when they will attack yee and that yee should always be at the ready." Stumbling back, she tried punching again but got hit to the side. So, it did involve getting hurt. Instead of going for offense she went for defense, it would work better with his aggressiveness. But he also had a point, her opponent won't think twice about killing her.  

Scout was on edge and wanted to kill Spy as he threw her around. Sniper had snuck in, standing near the door. Holding himself back with every fiber of his being. He wanted to put Spy in his place but knew that that was the best way of teaching her. If they taught her with protective gloves on, she would not be ready for their line of work and her life would constantly be in danger.

Ducking, dodging and trying very desperately to get away, her defense method was not working. Spy was not giving her breathing space and the knife kept getting closer and closer. She had to step up her game, she had to be more aggressive. She had to stoop down to his level. Dodging once more she grabbed his arm and tried punching him again, but he only ducked under her arm kicking her away. She was getting tired of his games. Punching towards him in different areas of his body – like Sniper did – she was looking for a weak spot or maybe a chance to do something of her own.

Dodging the knife, the hundredth time it came in contact with her flesh. Blood seeped out of her left bicep. Glancing at her arm with slight anger she swiftly punched him through the face – as he was distracted by the others aggressive disagreements with the flesh wound – making him stumble back and caress his cheek, frowning at her. "If you play dirty, I play dirty." She states raising her fists.

Smirking at her, that was exactly what he wanted. He wanted her to be more aggressive, he wanted her to get out of her comfort zone and step into their zone. Sniper was proud that she had put him in his place and hoped that now she would be more offensive than defensive. With a newfound aggression she hit away ever attack and countered every sidestep to get closer. He tried sweeping her legs out from under her, but she quickly jumped and kicking him through the face. Letting go of the knife she grabbed it and held it to his throat. 

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