Toru #2

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Toru The Offical Series

Episode 2 (Plasma Burns) 💎

(Day 3 Blacksteel Bank)

A Masked Supervillan that goes by the name Plasma Knight is attacking the bank by using There Sword too destroy there pillars outside trapping the people inside and they laughed at the people screaming in both fear and terror and as Plasma Knight thinks that no one is going too Try too stop them the B.S.P.D
Arrived and one of the cops said hold it you Scumbag and Plasma Knight Said the only scumbag here is you and they went after the cops with there Sword and They tried too stop the Plasma Knight but PK was too much for them and a few Officers even lost there lives and The rest of the Officers left becuz they fear Plasma Knight and PK said is there no one too stop me?!

(Day 3 BlackSteel Hospital)

Brenden woke up from off the couch in the lounge and he seen the News on TV and Plasma Knight is at it again and Brenden said someone needs too stop that evil person and Reginald Laroxer walked in and said yea someone should and Bren said hey when does my shift start? And Reg said in 20 minutes and Brenden said good I'm going too get some coffee from the nearby Starbucks and Reginald said hey pick me up a Triple Decaf Latte will you? And Brenden nodded and left for Starbucks.

(Day 3 BlackSteel Bank)
(Day 3 Alley)

The Plasma Knight doesn't want money instead they want more power and they headed too the nearby power plant as the people inside the bank are surrounded by rubble as Brenden Diamond is in a alley he used his very unique energy too make himself a blue and black suit with a mask too conceal his identity then he said wow I even feel like a Superhero but now it's time too go save the city from Plasma Knight!

(Day 3 Blacksteel Power Plant)
Brenden searched all over for the Plasma Knight and Sensed there Aura at the city's power plant so he used his speed too get there quickly and he said Where are you hiding Plasma? Plasma Knight then came out of hiding and they dropped from above and fired Plasma energy at Brenden and he Evaded just barely and he said who are you? And the Plasma Knight Said who are you I'm not the only one concealing my identity and Brenden said that's a good and fair point they then both Powered Up Toru with blue and black energy and Plasma Knight with Green and Silver energy and they then clashed fists and they both drew power from the power plant and as they both got stronger the city's power got weaker and Ben Said damn if the power fully goes out the patients on life support will die and Artic said let's see if we can find out what or who is messing with the power and they both went too the roof and send Someone actually fighting Plasma and Ben said damn he is actually fighting Plasma and has a chance of winning but if they keep this up then they might drain the city of all its power and everyone on life support in BlackSteel City will Die and when he looked around He said Where did she go?

Day 3 (Power Plant)

As Brenden and Plasma are both gathering lots and lots of power Artic is on her Motorcycle and she is trying too hurry too the Power Plant but Traffic is chaos cuz the Traffic Lights are Going out and some are even staying out and Meanwhile Scarlet and Slade atend too the patients will less and less light each time and Brenden Formed a Ball of Power with his energy and Plasma formed a Beam of energy with there's and They both used there Attacks at the same time and when there Attacks Collided it sent a massive Shockwave Thoughout the Entire City and It even disabled Plasma's Voice Modgilator and They Said in a higher more feminine voice Damn that hurt and Toru / Bren said your a chick!? And Plasma said damn my voice scramble Is broken! And Brenden said Who exactly are you and she said none of your business and as Brenden is still Paralyzed She absorbed the massive energy paralyzing her and she was about too Finish him but the B.C.P.D arrived and she said Later Dude and she ran away too her secret hideout and The Police are surrounding Brenden and he said hey guys um I don't suppose you have something too absorb all this electricity are do you?

Day 3 (The Residence Of The Quins)

As Toru remains stuck like that for the next 30 minutes untill he breaks free The Plasma Knight is in her home and she took off her armor and she is somewhat injured and she said I better tend too my injuries before attempting anything like that again and A Man walked in and said Dear Daughter did you get the Power that I wanted and she said yes I did but I'm too hurt too transfer it too you and he said who took you off the streets and gave you a home when your own family kicked you out who gave you food when you were hungry and who made sure you were the most loved little girl in the world? And She said you did dad and he said so after you are well you will attack and absorb more power this time and she said someone was there and he said who? And she said I don't know but he was Equal too me in power but in Experience I think he has more and he said I'll see what I can do too find out more about him my dear flower.

Day 3 (Hospital)

Toru then left the power plant and went too the Alley and Powered down and he Said wow that was a good fight i gotta admit and he then checked around and he didn't see no one so he took off his mask and headed too the Hospital and when he got inside there he seen dozens and dozens are people that need help and Slade said about time you got here Where were you anywhere? And Brenden said just out getting coffee and Ben said so what do you bring us cuz we will be up a while and Brenden said sorry guys it was a long walk and I seen a homeless guy and I gave it too him and Ben said aw that's nice and Slade is getting more and more suspicious of Brenden but is starting too like him a little bit...

Episode 3 coming soon...

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