Toru #3

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Toru The Offical Series

Episode 3 (Surgery) 💎

(Day 3 BlackSteel Hospital)

As Ben Bio has already performed several Surgeries he is kinda tired but he is still scheduled for one last surgery and it's on a Billionaire Named Ion Starr and she got rich for Creating A Military Must Have called the Ionic Core and they each are sold for 1,000,000 Dollars and before he went into surgery Artic said hey Ben you don't have too do this surgery I can see if Slade is available and Ben said no he has already did 13 Surgeries and is Exausted so I'll do it plus besides Slade I'm the next best Surgeon here and he yawned and Reginald Laroxer happened too be passing by he said hey Ben don't Screw this up or you will be out of a job Ion is paying us a lot of money for this surgery so you better do a good job and Give her the Implants that she wants and Ben said I'll do my best and as he prepared for his 9th Surgery Today Gwen and Ian are both discharged but not before they both thanked Brenden Diamond for saving both there lives and he said no thanks required I'm just happy too help And Both Ian and Gwen left and Gwen's Huaband Left with her as well.

Day 3 (Hospital Operating Room)

As Benny Bio entered the O.R he is very nervous becuz if he messes up he is going too be out of a job and Ion is here becuz She wants bigger boobs becuz her bust size is only A and she wants at least a C size so after paying for it and picking it out she went too this Hospital and She wanted Slade but he was in Surgery working On Cobalt Silva a man who Was riding his bike and a Woman who was driving her Nissan hit him becuz she was texting and she Hurried and dialed 911 and Cobalt was Hurried too the hospital and Slade saved Cobalt's Life and Slade went too the Gym too Tone his body even though he's a Doctor/Surgeon he still wants too work out and As Ben is Fighting his sleep he does some great work on Ion's breasts and he after 2 hours and 44 minutes has her looking much much better and her breasts are now much bigger and Ben said wow I did a great job and he left and a few minutes later Ion woke up in bed.

Day 3 (Hospital Room D)

As Ion thanked all the doctors present she said where's Ben? And Artic said oh he's already left but he made sure that her procedure went as it was supposed too and Ion looked down and she said wow these are wonderful thanks too everyone who was there and I will donate a few millions of my money too thus wonderful Hospital and Reginald said thanks Ion and I'll make sure that Ben will get a huge 100K bonus plus a raise for doing such a good job and Ion said you should and Reginald then Smiled and went into his office while The Father of the Plasma Knight named Jack Quin told his daughter Too get some rest and she said I will dad and as she took off her clothes and put on her Pajamas and he is working on her Armor plus a Upgraded Voice Modgilator and he said damn it I wonder who heard her voice if they hear it again when she isn't in Her Armor that could put her and myself at risk so it's probably best too wait a few days before letting her Go Kick some more ass.

Day 4 (BlackSteel Supermarket)

As Artic is shopping for groceries for her and her Dog a low class Villian is robbing the Store and He said Give me the Money all of it! And as The Cashier is Hurrying putting the money in a bag for him Artic seen the store getting robbed and she was frozen with fear she is mote scared in this one moment then she has ever been and she said why can't I move?! And as 2347 dollars are put into the Bag the Robber said That's enough now imma blow you head off! And the Female Cashier said but I gave you the money please don't kill me! And as he fired a bullet from his Silver Revolver a Man ran in and grabbed her and as the bullet hit him it bounced off and she is Speechless he said are you ok? And all she could do is smile and nod and he said I'll be back and he ran After the Robber and did a slide and froze the Guy's Legs and he said now why did you steal? And The Robber said don't you know who I am?! And The Hero said you look Familiar and the Robber said the name's Maden Jace Maden and I'm part of the Jackal Family and if you don't let me go they will hunt you down and kill you and the Hero said let them come I'm not scared and As the Police arrived Jace said who are you? And The Hero said my name is Diamond Man and I'm your worse Nightmare! and he then Shattered both of Jace's Legs and as Jace is screaming in agony the cops shoot at Diamond Man but he is bulletproof with Diamond Hard Skin and he used his Speed too leave and One cop said why is he so Vicious? And Jace said that bastard!

Day 4 (BlackSteel Alley)

As Diamond Man returned back too normal he looked around and took off his mask and he said being a Superhero sure is fun but who are the Jackal Family? The Leader of The Jackal Family Lumber saw the news And he said Jace you bring Disgrace onto the Legacy Of the Family by letting a nobody do permanent damage on you and Jace said at least I got back home with no legs pretty impressive huh? And Jackal said not really becuz the cops brought you here becuz I own the Poilce in this city and all Over California and You have Disgraced the Family for the last time and as he grabbed his own Revolver he was about too kill his grandson
Jace Maden Jackal another person entered the Office of Lumber and He said Hey there's a new Prosthetic Leg operation available that can get Jace even better Legs and Lumber said thanks too your Brother Johnathan I'll spare your life you waste of space now Jace beg your brother too carry your sorry ass too the Car so he can drive you too the hospital so you can get a Operation at the nearest hospital and as he begged Johnathan over and over Johnathan finally agreed and as he carried Jace too the car Jace said thanks big bro and John said no problem im just doing what Any good brother would do.

Episode 4 Coming Soon.

Here's a list of the Jackal Family So Far.

Lumber jackal
[Grandfather too Jace]
[Grandfather too John]

Jace Maden Jackal
[Brother too John]
[Grandson too Lumber)

Johnathan Sword Jackal
[Brother too Jace]
[Grandson too Lumber]

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