Toru #5

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Toru The Offical Series

Episode 5 (Revenge)

(Day 5 BlackSteel Hospital)

As Nova Is waking up Lumber is sitting on a chair right next too him and Nova said uncle Lumber and Lumber said What happened too croc? And Nova said some dude who calls himself The Jester damn near killed both of us and Lumber said me and the boys will get too the bottom of this shit and Lumber then smooched a Nurse and left her confused as him Jace and Johnathan left and Jace has a new pair of legs and there Robotic And better than his other one's and brenden went check on Nova and he said hey how are you feeling? While Jester begins too get a terrible headache he started to remember who he is and Just Then he got Attacked by the Plasma Knight and she and him go tumbling down the building as they trade blows and They go though several weak floors and the whole dsmn building collapsed! And as 12 workers were killed Plasma got up and unsheathed the Plasma Blade as Jester did the same with the Yakazuna Ro'se and they clashed swords as they totally different Energies Clashed and as they powers skyrocketed from fighting such a strong foe a Limo pulled up and Lumber said hey guys I'll take care of the Plasma Knight and The Jester!

(Day 5 Rubble of The New Ionic Tower)

As Lumber got out of the limo he powered up and used Godly Might too pull the other two fighters apart and he Punched them both knocking them both out with one punch each then he saw a Shadow in the distance growing bigger with every passing second who is it? Brenden's Shift has finished so he said goodbye too his new friend Nova and he saw the news and he thought too himself What are Charmer and Saber doing fighting Lumber? And Brenden is so wore out from his very busy day he went too sleep on the couch Ben's Office while The Shadow struck Lumber and both John and Jace got out of the car and they have Tommy guns and they light up The Shadow with there combined Firepower thanks too those Tommies and The Shadow finally came into the light revealing himself as the one and only Blackshadow and he devoured Johnathan gaining his strength added too his and as Lumber lost another family member he Punched Black Shadow so hard Black lost controlled of his powers!

(Day 5 The Void)

As Blackshadow and Lumber are in the Void which is the point between WhiteHeaven and Blackhell and as Dark Battles Dark they fight and fight for a very long time as they are stuck but they quickly love fighting one another and Jace got into the limo and the limo driver Mickey Menson Jackal or MMJ for short said where too now Jace? And he said I lost my grandfather my Brother and Croc just drive and Mickey said sure and as he drove The Plasma Knight awoke and has some of her memories back but lots and lots of emotional pain and she is screaming as she is Bleeding from that intense fight and she made it back too the Quin Residence and she took off her helmet and she said what do I do now? And Jester awoke laughing as more and more memories of his came back too him and he went too Ionic Industries HQ in Utah while Jinn is unpleased with how many people have recovered there memories or still has them which he cannot remove.

Those who have there memories in either XXX , Toru , Quarantine 2

Aleister ❄ Snow
Brenden 💎 Diamond
Buffman aka Silver Bluffer
Charmer Shadow aka Plasma Knight
Otto Leviathan
Saber Starr aka The Jester
William Wazz

Those who have died in either
XXX , Toru , Quarantine 2

Buffman but not Silver Bluffer
Crocnus Scales Jackal
Johnathan Sword Jackal
Storm Blaster

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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