The Neverseen Are Gone

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"Finally it's over," Sophie sighed. She was standing at the entrance of exile with her friends, Councilors and Collective. The Neverseen were defeated and all trace of their existence was wiped and destroyed.

"We can finally go back to normal now," Biana said. All of them were tired of this war, and were relieved that it was over.

"Yeah so uh do we get promoted to the nobility or what?" Keefe asked the Council.

"We will discuss it." Emery said, "But you have proven that all of you are worthy of the title."

"Ya hear that Foster? You won't be one of the youngest nobles now," Keefe pointed out.

"I'm just glad I don't have to deal with psychotic murders now," Sophie said. "How about we get out of here. I hate the eerie silence."

"No kidding," Fitz said, "It feels like a bunch of nothing." He pulled out his home crystal, "so uh are we going to our homes or gathering in one residence to explain to our parents?"

"We will meet at Everglen with all who were involved," Councilor Emery said, his thick voice commanding attention and obedience.

The kids nodded and split into 2 groups and held hands with either Fitz or Biana. The adults simply took out their leaping crystals and in a few minutes Evergreen was packed with kids and adults. 

Sophie and her friends were too tired to explain anything so they went up to Fitz's room to get away from all the chaos. 

"We don't feel like talking right?" Wylie asked. "I know I would rather try to process that the Neverseen are truly gone."

"I know," Linh said softly, "We've been fighting for so long that it's kinda hard to believe."

"Agreed," Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Dex, Marella, Maruca, said in unison.

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