
3 0 0

The next day was a Saturday, so Halle drove Kordell to the bank to pay the 3 dollars he owed for over speaking. He hadn't known the consequences of not paying by midnight, so he was quite shocked when he found out that he wasn't able to speak that morning.

He hopped out of the car and started scrounging around his pockets for any loose change, but all he had was 80 cents. He decided to go into the bank anyway and pay what he had, so he handed the bank teller his 80 cents.

"Sir, you are aware that this isn't enough money to pay for the full balance?" signed the bank teller. Kordell looked at her with a confused expression.

She understood that he had obviously not known what she was trying to say and took out a piece of paper to write it instead.

Kordell's blue eyes lit up at this. Ohhhh, he thought to himself, as he smacked his palm against his forehead in realization. He then noticed she was waiting for his answer and so he nodded and handed her the money. As she took it, she swept her blonde curly hair out of her eyes.

"Ok, just making sure," signed the bank teller, rolling her eyes as she took his 80 cents. Of course, Kordell didn't notice and turned around to exit.

Just as he was about to leave, an old lady had given him the extra 2 dollars and 20 cents that he needed; she had overheard that he was short on money. He reluctantly took the money and handed it to the bank teller.

"Alright, your word limit should be updated now," she signed, with a slight smile, but then remembered he couldn't understand her, so she wrote it out instead.

He pulled out his phone to check his word limit and realized he only had two words, so he decided to use them to thank the old lady for her kindness; he recognized that a small kind gesture can go a long way.

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