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Kordell had gotten through yet another day without saying much. He had of course, said a few words, but didn't feel the need to constantly talk and disrupt others. When he got home that afternoon, he decided to check his word limit out of curiosity. He picked up his phone and turned it on, only to see that he still had 4,000 words left. He jumped up and down in his seat and dashed downstairs to tell his mom, but he stopped himself midway. He decided he would rather keep it to himself, so when his mom later asked how many words he had left, he gave a mere shrug.

"Well, don't feel so bad" said Halle, "I only have 2,000 words left."

But he didn't feel bad, in fact, quite the opposite. He discovered that he didn't need a lot of words to be happy; listening more gave him a greater appreciation for the world around him and the people in it.

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