Chapter 4: Descendent of Beauty Part 4

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As the three made their way to the mirror chamber, Raven's nerves were getting the best of her again; and why not,she was still technically transferring schools— a of all a boys' school for that point— but she guess it's only for a while. Crowley, on the other hand, noticed Minerva— in her ceremonial robe of black and purple— was grinning ear to ear.

Crowley: You seem to be excited Ms. Min.
Minerva: Yes Headmaster. Let's just say that I'm excited for everyone to see the existence of the new transfer power. Hehe.

Crowley was shocked to hear this; could this girl be stronger than anticipated?

Crowley: So you already saw her power!?
Minerva: Well, not exactly... but she can use magic without a pen for the most part.
Crowley: Is that so? Then if that's the case then they might have some form of holding blot. I will just have to ask her once she becomes comfortable in this environment.

Minerva knew that she could have said that Raven was related to the Beautiful Queen to Crowley, but she wanted to surprise everyone with this discovery; and to be honest, it would also give her a chance to ask questions on why Co-Ed is not an option anymore if there's female descendent of the school's founders.

As they approach the doors, Crowley told Raven to wait outside for a moment since they had an issue to discuss beforehand. Raven thought it would be a good time to get her nerves under control—plus Minerva once again told her that everything will be fine after the ceremony, and that she'll guide her as much as possible— so she agreed to wait outside until they call her in.

As the two walked in the mirror chamber, they were greeted by the available housewardens on campus; with most of them being confused on the matter.

Red-hair Boy: Headmaster with all do respect, is there a reason why we need to get dress in our robes?
Blonde-hair Boy: I agree. While I do like to be dress for occasions, I do not is the reason for going of a few missed details in our last meeting.
Crowley: I assure you there is a reason for this outcome; but first let's go over the information left out from the meeting.

With this everyone calmed down and gathered to hear what Crowley had to say.

Crowley: As we all know Ramshackle had not been used or seen as a property dorm— other than being the temporary home of Minerva and Grim, and permanent home of three ghosts— along with the fact that there's only one girl at this school. So to counter both of these claims, I decided to establish Ramshackle it's dorm status back along with making the school Co-Ed again.
Everyone: What?

With this everyone in the room was shocked by this news; especially Minerva and a Red-hair boy that was slightly shorter than her.

Crowley: Well it only makes sense since Minerva show up at the beginning.
Red-hair Boy: Wait, making the school Co-Ed is understandable Headmaster, but you have to say that again. You're making Ramshackle a dorm again; as in an actual dorm?
Crowley: The last time I checked, yes. But both of them we only work if you still want to be at our school Ms. Carrington.
Minerva: What? Of course I want to keep going to school here. I honestly can't see myself leaving now.
Crowley: Well, with that settled I guess I'll make preparations for the demographic changing process.
Lion Guy: Oi, is that what we just came here for!? And being dressed up for this? This is just stupid; I'm going back to my dorm.
Crowley: Wait! I'm not done yet so please bare with me. Now, I know you are all wondering why I made you dress for this occasion; but there is a reason that I think Ms. Carrington can explain.

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