chapter 3

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rapunzel's pov

I was in my bedroom painting when green smoke filled my room after the smoke cleared mother gothel was in my room but she wasn't alone, she had varian! "let him go gothel!" I demanded, "please rapunzel, you and the boy are coming with me." gothel said evilly, varian looked so scared, "I'm not going anywhere with you, and neither is varian." I said, "you will come with me unless you want the boy to be injured." gothel threatened, she pushed the dagger against varian's throat and his eyes widened with fear. "alright, alright, I'll come with you, just don't hurt varian." I pleaded, she then took out a beaker filled with green liquid, she smashed it on the ground and green fog appeared. 

varian's pov

after gothel threw down the second telaportation mixture, I made, there was smoke, when the smoke cleared we were in a run-down looking tower and rapunzel looked scared, gothel let go of me and I ran towards rapunzel, I was hiding behind rapunzel, "why do you want us gothel?" rapunzel asked, trying to sound brave, "isn't it obvious, your hair has returned! now I can stay young and beautiful forever!" gothel exclaimed spinning around. "oh, um actually her hair no longer has the power." I added nervously, "what!" gothel screamed turning towards me, I stepped back scared, "yeah, we tested it, her hair no longer heals." I stammered, "well is a good thing the moonstone might be able to bring it back." gothel said then she looked at me evilly. "why are you staring at me?" I asked scared starting to back away even more. "you are the moonstone, aren't you?" gothel asked me. "what? I'm not the moonstone." I told her. "oh you don't know?" mother gothel said then she took out an orb, that I didn't realize she took, and she smashed it on the ground, there was a loud bang and then everything went black.

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