two | no more saying g-a-y

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★Saturday 19th June, 1999★

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Saturday 19th June, 1999

Tick tock

Tick tock

The repetitive clicking of the clock resting on the southern wall of this church is all my brain can comprehend. I've completely zoned out every other noise except this one. Maybe it was my brain's way of preserving my daily intake of bullshit. That's all I've heard today. Absolute bullshit.

First it was when we finally caught up with my Mom and Dad, the latter who was stressing over us being late. Two bloody minutes late might I add. Secondly, I got a light lecture on being quiet and polite during the whole ceremony by my father. He also added in a small threat that if i didn't behave, I would learn later that night as to why I should, you know, just so spice things up. Thirdly, this fucking clock is getting on my nerves, I honeslty wish i could here the sixty-something year old droning on about God and my father's new importance within his community.

The church bench we sit on is second down from the front and to the left. I'm always on the end with Lou but since Finn's here, he sat in between Lou and I with his hand holding mine and resting on his lap.

Tick tock

Tick tock

Ugh, I just want to take of one of my Mary Janes and throw it at that damn clock, stupid ticking noise.

"Josephine, the ceremony's done." Finn's voice is the antidote to pulling out of my trance.

"Already" I whisper back checking around us to see other families and fellow church goers maneuvering their way around the church benches. Even my mother is standing up but that's only because she's off to go congratulate dad on his big speech. He literally had to recite scriptures told to him and then say 'I do', basically like a marriage ceremony with God except the vows are just him kissing ass to all the old white priests, spewing our promises in every sentance.

"Yeah, your mom said she needed you to go help your brother out back with some of the chairs that need to be brought outside. I said I could do it but she insisted that 'the daughter of Richard Scott, the new Reverend, should make a good impression and do her part', so I think she wants you to do it but I could be wrong." Finn mimicked my mother's high pitched voice while acting all dumb and shit at the same time.

"Ugh, I hate when she makes me do free labor." I scoot the rest of the way off the bench and give Finn a swift kiss on the cheek, keeping it PG-thirteen. Looking around, I notice Louis at the snacks table chatting up some blonde broad, she's got her hair up in a high bun, pieces sticking out while her bangs are clipped back. Dressed head to toe in pink I can't help but tilt my head in curiosity, never have I seen that much pink on a girl. She looks like a real life barbie doll; very pretty and petite.

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