The Duo

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The beginning of the month!

Chapter one: The Duo

[ okay guys..from now on this is all my writing! (-ω-。) -Rosie ]


Sakura awaited her blonde idiot friend the next day. She did her promises and was well prepared. She cooked homemade ramen just for him, as a gift for giving her the special company she adores.

Her fingers fiddled with the ends of her apron, impatiently waiting for her dear comrade. Despite it all, she was still worried Naruto will forget all about it or run away from her presence. She slammed her palm against her forehead. What idiotic thoughts!

She was stupid to think all that trouble, Naruto was really her best friend besides Ino, they seem like the world like to each other. She smiled at the amazing friendship she has with Naruto.

The thoughts soon fade away as she heard the tea whistling like a train so loudly, she yelped and quickly grabbed the teapot. Soon, turning off her ovens and burners. She let out a sigh and poured tea into both teacups and that was when she heard annoying knocks on the front door.

She carefully placed the tea down and went over to the door. Just smile. She thought to herself. The door opened to a very happy Naruto. She grinned and stepped aside to let him in. Naruto entered and was quick to notice everything was sparkling clean and brand-new, even to mention, he sniffed the delicious aroma of ramen.

Sakura led him to the kitchen, he grinned widely and sat down with her. He didn't hesitate to dig in. Sakura stared at him, still the same like the old days. She smirked and joined in with Naruto.

Thanking Sakura, he cleaned his dish after a long argument with Sakura. He managed to win with that loud mouth of his. Sakura and Naruto relaxed in the living room. Both facing each other.

Sakura ignored the heavy eye contact and looked at things but him. Naruto tilt his head to the side. Sakura cleared her throat and examined her fingers with a shocked face. Naruto chuckled.

"So Sakura-chan." he started, still staring at her. Sakura glanced at him. "Do you need me to talk to me about anything?"

Sakura sighed and stopped playing around. She looked at Naruto and frowned. "Yes actually. ." she answered. Tears threatened to fall. Naruto could notice the glisten in her beautiful emerald eyes.

He touched her finger, grabbing her hands together. "Don't be afraid to share Sakura-chan, I'll listen go ahead." He gave an reassuring smile. Sakura sighed for the ninth time that morning.

"Sasuke and Sarada hasn't returned my letters lately. .it's been a whole month!" she cried out, looking down. Naruto didn't know what to do. Slowly, he reached in, grabbing her shoulders and yanking her towards him. She landed on his chest, he hugged her. Sakura eyes widened, her breath hitched, but she calmed down after.

He soothed her, patting her back. "It'll be okay Sakura. Soon, they will. Just have trust in them and me okay?" He looked down at her with a small smile. She wiped her tears and nodded back. She pulled away. "Thank you Naruto."

After a long minute of dead silence, Naruto strikes up another chitter chatter conversation, Sakura laughed at his silly jokes. Naruto sheepishly rubbed his neck with a grin.

Growing tired from all that talking, they both decided to get a mouth break and play a game. Hide and seek. The medic-nin of course does have an large home, she is actually quite wealthy.

They both did paper-rock-scissors for someone to be the seeker. Naruto lost and whined but counted anyway. Sakura had to mask her chakra and tried to find a good hiding spot.

The pinkette ended up hiding in her bathroom. She laid in the bathtub, all lights shut off. She realized that Naruto was done counting and started off his search. She oddly tensed up but shook it off.

Naruto's footsteps grew louder, she covered her mouth. She could hear his screams and words.

"Sakura-chan~ I'll find you!" He giggled and looked in the bedroom, nothing there. The master bedroom. The kitchen. Living room. Other bedroom. Laundry room. Basement. Attic. Back rooms. 

There was just two bathrooms left. She happened to be in the upstairs bathroom. Naruto just checked the bathrooms downstairs and hurried upstairs with a laugh. He was excited. Sakura tensed and felt her stomach twist. His footsteps made booming sounds, he walked down the hallway making it obvious. The bathroom was right at the end.

Sakura locked the door. She immediately tried to think of a plan, her eyes wandered all over, trying to think. Suddenly, a smirk grew on her lips. The perfect idea. Quickly, she did a jutsu with her hands.

Naruto twisted the doorknob. His smile grew bigger. He just adored these type of games, he adored the faces more once he found them. He was always a pro at this game, using his shadow clones for extra help. But he didn't care, he just wanted to win and play with his prey.

Naruto broke the knob off the door, he walked forward with a blank face, he'll replace that. Sakura tried her best not to lash out her anger and punch him to Hashiramas timeline. Naruto searched the bathroom, then he moved closer to the bathtub.

"Gotcha!" He ripped the curtains unexpectedly and found her, he was about to grab her but it transformed into a log!! His shoulders slumped and looked behind him, the pinkette ran out the room. Naruto growled and chased after her.

"Sly aren't ya Sakura-chan! That was a good one!" Naruto exclaimed behind her, she huffed and jumped off the stairs, appearing in the living room. She was about to turn around but Naruto stood there. She was trapped. Her back met the wall. Dead end. Naruto couldn't help but out a laugh. She sweat dropped.

Naruto lunged at her but she quickly ran to the side, his face met the wall now. With a groan, he fell down. She laughed and picked him up. "Alright, that was fun." She sat him on the sofa. Naruto stretched and let out a sigh. "Yeah, it was. Thanks Sakura-chan." She waved her hands. "No thank you!" Naruto just smiled.

Taking a quick glance at the clock, it was time to go. He got up and said his farewells. Sakura frowned but returned the goodbye. He waved and left, closing the door. She sat back down and stared at floor.

Sakura totally loved today and so did he.

The duo sure had a heck of a company.


Ya, its done. Yay!

Anyways hoped you liked it.

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