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Chapter Three: Shopping!


Sakura stayed awake all night. Tossing and turning, thinking about what happened earlier. You're over-thinking things! Besides, Sasuke is our only lover, cha! Inner was right, Sakura should just shut up and get over it. She was just new to the feeling. Yeah alright. He's just Naruto.

Sakura was about to shut her eyes and sleep off to her fantasyland but she heard knocking on the door. She sat up and looked at outside her window. It was already bright morning! Sakura groaned and sighed into her pillow.


"C'mon in!" Sakura opened the door, stepping aside. Her blonde friend slid their sandals off and took a seat. Sakura mimicked their actions and giving them tea. They spoke up.

"So fore-head . . what was yesterday all about? I was worried!" Ino frowned, looking at Sakura for an answer. Sakura sighed and laid back. "Alright, I'll tell you everything."

And Sakura told Ino everything. Ino crushed her cup, after the second Sakura finished talking. "That no-good-rotten-idiot-cheater-turd-motherf-" Sakura grabbed Ino's shoulders and clamped her hand over her mouth. "Wow calm down Ino-pig!" Ino moved Sakura's hand. "Geez fine . . but I'll still deal with him." The blonde ninja grumbled.

"So, to forget all of this . ." Ino started, unfolding her arms and grinned. Sakura raised an pink eyebrow. "Lets go shopping!" Ino squealed, standing up and dragging the pinkette.


They walked through the village, Ino babbling about something but Sakura was in her own world. Sakura thought about her husband, whether she should file for divorce or not. Or her 'daughter', she wondered how would Sarada would react if Sakura announced the news to her.

And suddenly, Sakura ended up in front the Hyuga estate. Sakura looked at Ino in disbelief. "What are we-" but before the pink medic nin could finish, the doors slide open with Hinata's younger sister exiting and Hinata behind her.

"Sakura-senpai! Ino-chan! Hey guys!!" Hanabi brightly smiled and waved. Hinata came down and greeted them both. Ino placed her hands on her hips. "Now that the chitter-chatter is over, why don't we find the girls and go shopping? Wasting time ya'know."

Hinata fiddled around, she was hesitant to speak but Hanabi wrapped an arm around her. "Don't worry Hina-chan! I'll take care of your little cuties!" Hanabi grinned, blushing. Hinata smiled and nodded. "Alright, thank you Hanabi." Ino grabbed Hinata and Sakura followed. "Yay, onward!" Ino marched ahead, dragging the lavender-head princess, with the pinkette laughing.

"Have fun girls!!" Hanabi shouted, and waving. She heard little footsteps against the wood floor. Boruto and Himawari approached Hanabi, standing behind her. "Where did mama go?" Himawari spoke up, Boruto crossed his arms, agreeing. Hanabi stood still, still staring at the girls figures.

Hanabi smirked and turned around, facing her niece and nephew. "Mom went shopping with her friends and now you're stuck with me!" Hanabi exclaimed, grinning. Himawari giggled and ran back inside, Boruto ran with her too. Hanabi chased after them. They all laughed, playing around.


"Dad . . get up . . breakfast is ready . ." Shikadai yawned, 'trying' to wake up his lazy father. Soon after, he grew tired and slept with his father.

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