Feeling of wrath...and the voice of salvation

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Bowser began to leave the blockage. He was crippled and wounded in places. Realizing that we did not finish, I began to ready a hammer for the battle.

- You! You ruined everything again !! Why don't you just give up and let me win!?

Bowser looked at me with his red, filled with anger eyes. Looking at him, I understand that he clearly will not stop until he gets what he wants. Shrugging my shoulders, I began to approach him a little.

- Bowser, Bowser, Bowser. When you already understand that I am not going to retreat like that without a fight. It is especially if it concerns my family.

Hearing this, he launched a fire ball in me. I beat him with a hammer right in the face of Bowser, for which he received even more bruises on his face. Understanding that this would not lead to anything, I made it clear to my family that I need to increase home. And as soon as I turned my back to Bowser and began to leave .... it happened.

- You are the same as your father! Maybe, if you were not born, he would not have left you and your whole family!

Nobody expected this. Everyone except me looked at Bowser with fear in front of my eyes. They understood what he would wonder now. They all knew that the conversation about my father would make me get angry to the state of a heated lava. Letting go of my hand in which I held the hammer and forcing him to fall, I began to turn my face to Bowser. Seeing this, he stopped laughing and began to look with some confusion in his head.

My hands tightly tightened into fists from which the nails scratched the skin. I was anger ... no furious! I could not believe what I heard about my father.

- Dad was not left for this ... He just had his own reasons to leave us !!!

This was the last straw of my patience. I could no longer restrain my anger. I was shrouded in fire. It was painful and disgusting from the words of Bowser. I charged a fire ball and let it into it. And one more. Then one more. Bowser tried to run away, but always fell under the fire. The wounds and seats became whiter noticeable with each new fire ball. I did not feel nothing more except anger and pain.

- Mira, stop! Please!! You hurt yourself !!!

This was said by Uncle Luigi, but I did not listen. I completely lost control of myself. I continued to beat Bowser with fire with empty face degeneration. A fire storm from which my skin began to burn and leave the scars in my arms gathered around me. Tears flowed from their eyes, but they quickly evaporated due to the heating of my body. It would seem that a little more and I am just a burning corpse ... But something stopped me. 

                 - Stop! Don't you see what you are doing?

What!? Where did this voice come from? This was clearly not said by my brother or uncle Luigi. The voice seemed deeper and very calm. 

                - Look at yourself, you destroy yourself using so much anger as a tool. You need to calm down until it led to even greater consequences.

I can't. This feeling of anger and pain is stronger than me. I do not know what to do...

                - To begin with, close your eyes and breathe with me.

I closed my crushed eyes. As soon as I did this, I felt big hands in white gloves on my shoulders. They had a little on the shoulders thereby, as if speaking, to sit down. I obediently fell to my knees.

                - Breath with me.

Listening to the stranger's breathing, I began to repeat him. Slow, but I began to calm down right. The fire began to leave, and I began to get tired. This anger sucked my last strength.

When everything became quiet, the stranger's hands who held my shoulders disappeared and I collapsed on the grass. I did not have the strength to move or even speak. Before losing consciousness, I saw a man in a white shirt, a black tie and a black jacket in front of me. The legs were also dressed in black pants and black men's shoes. There was a golden cross on the collar shirt.

                - Ci vediamo, Mira.

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