Chapter 3: an invitation

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My Saturday mornings were free at the moment because I was sort of in-between sports. I was still doing my martial arts class and some swimming, but I had yet to decide which winter game to play. Some friends were trying to get me to try out for rugby union, but I wasn't sure. I was going to give it a bit more thought.

The next Saturday morning I was there again, just checking. Jena saw me and gave me that lovely smile again. We started walking down the street together.

"What's with the dancing?" I asked.

He sighed, "As you know, Garth, I'm not much good at anything. A couple of years ago, I tried dancing and it seems that I have at least some talent for it. I go twice a week - three hours on Saturday and an hour and a half on Wednesday after school."

"Righto," I acknowledged carelessly.

"My teacher has been urging me to work harder, and she's right. If I'm ever going to make something of my dancing, I just have to do more practice, more exercises."

"Just like any sport, I guess."

"Oh, but you're so disciplined, Garth. You do the work and that's why your so good at everything."

I laughed, "Maybe not schoolwork."

"You know I meant sports, Garth." That smile again.

"Anyway, what kind of dancing is it?"

"It's called contemporary dance. I guess you could say it's like modern ballet as compared to classical ballet like Swan Lake.

"Oh, yeah," I responded vaguely, not really understanding.

"Hey, why don't you come and watch for a bit next Saturday. Come, say, half an hour earlier. Just walk in and down the corridor, then you'll see us."

"But the teacher . . ."

"I don't think she'll mind. Mrs Reinke is our teacher. I'll warn her that a schoolfriend of mine might be dropping in. I'll say that he just wants to have a look."

Jena smiled shyly. "There's only twelve of us in that class, all girls except me, I guess you could say. I'd like you to come, Garth."

I pulled a face, "I don't know. We'll see." Very unlikely, I was thinking.

A Nerd, a Tough Kid and the Wonder of DanceWhere stories live. Discover now