Chapter 15: a strange feeling

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It was a few months into the third year of Sapphire and I living together, when I awoke one morning feeling strange. It took me a while to work out where I was. I was in one of our spare bedrooms. I was naked, but I wasn't alone; I was with a girl, also naked, lying half on me. She was a full-bodied lass with large breasts - I couldn't remember her name; and I didn't know what day it was, Sunday? Monday? some other day?

Where was Sapphire? What had happened?

I kept looking at the walls, looking for familiar things, needing reassurance. The strange feeling was still possessing me.

The girl was stirring; murmuring some words, her hand sliding down my stomach, groping my penis, trying to make it hard.

No . . . no, no. This was no good . . . the strange feeling . . . I had to get up, had to. Get up, get outside.

"I've got to get up," my voice raspy.

"Oh, come back soon, hon," she said sleepily as I struggled out of the bed.

I went down to the main bedroom; Sapphire was there on our bed, she was naked, as was the man lying next to her, and the woman on her other side. They were all fast asleep, and remained so as I got some running gear out of the wardrobe and got dressed.

As I passed through the living room, I noticed a couple of other bodies sprawled on the lounge and carpet. The place was a mess. It came back to me, we'd had a party on Friday night at our place, but what day was today? How long had the party gone on?

I got a drink of water in the kitchen and then went outside. I wanted to go for a hard run; that seemed to be the only way to dispel the strange feeling.

The hard running didn't last long before I was forced to jog, then walk. Hell, how had I become so unfit. I reached the small park with the outdoor exercise equipment situated at the end of the street. I used to come here frequently when I first moved in with Sapphire, but I hadn't been for a long time.

I started working out, struggling, having to push myself. Shit, this was awful; I was disgusted with the way I'd let myself go.

I reckon I was away about three hours - running, jogging, working out, all with a lot of resting. One of the bodies in the living room had gone when I got back. I woke the other one.

"Come on, man, time to go."

He mumbled a bit, swore about his sore head, but left without any real fuss. I went into the spare bedroom and woke the big-breasted girl.

"Get up, love, you've gotta go."

"Ohhh," she moaned as I helped her up.

She stood in front of me, showing me her naked body. "Are you sure?" she grinned.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure. Now, have a shower if you want and then scram."

Another disappointed moan as she headed for the shower. I resisted slapping that large provocative backside.

I didn't go near the main bedroom. I went into the kitchen and started cleaning up. The big-breasted girl came out after a little while; she looked pretty good and smiled invitingly at me.

I smiled back and said, "Beat it."

She laughed, "Maybe next time."

I watched her go without replying - I still couldn't remember her name. Then I made myself some toast with cheese and sliced tomato and a cup of tea. I didn't drink coffee when I was in-training, and I considered myself to be back in-training.

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