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As he walked down the corridor into school, he saw people widen their eyes and turn their heads away, gossiping behind hands and sneaked glances.

he knew what they were all saying about him, but it wasn't true. but now, he had no one to talk to about it. at least no one who would believe him, anyway.

during the last week, Jimin had slowly lost friends. he was once a very popular, loveable boy of the school. someone who the girls wanted to be, and who the majority of the guys wanted to be with.

but now, that had all changed. for some reason, all of his friends had started to ignore him more as time went on, and it had puzzled him. it had started with Kang Tae-yung, who had decided to cancel their plans to go and watch a movie, and then next came Hwang-San with an excuse as to why he couldn't see him at all for the following three days. it was a lie though, and Jimin saw through it straight away.

he didn't really care, until one day he turned up at school, to see the word 'slut' written over his locker in great, bold red writing. who wrote it ? Jimin was furious, and with a heavy sigh, began to wipe the writing off before anyone else could see it.

that was last week. before the bullying started. the people who he once called his 'friends' decided to start shouting slurs and rude comments at Jimin every time they walked past, and the main cause of problems was none other than Hwang-San. what a jerk.

when Jimin had left class that day, Hwang-San had decided to shove him into the wall opposite the classroom, and started to punch him in the face until his nose was bleeding heavily and he had a bruise on his right eye. when they heard a teacher coming, Jimin cowered behind his hands and Hwang-San took off, laughing and shouting as he ran.

the teacher asked "Jimin.. what happened here ? who did this to you ?" but he couldn't give an answer, as he was shaking so much, so she decided to take him to the nurses office to get treated.

when Jimin left school, he went to the bike rack where he found his belongings all over the floor, his pencils snapped and textbooks ripped, all his notes were ruined. and to top it off, his bike handle had been bent and one of the tyres burst.

so he picked up his things and started his miserable walk home...

When the moon rises- YoonminNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ