
18 3 14

"i- it's difficult.."


"Minnie.. you can't tell anyone but-"

"Tae, I have no one to tell, dumbass, don't worry."

"Aish.. language ! Anyway, I recently found out I have a step brother. Maybe three, four months ago.. we've met, and we do get along quite well. He was supposed to be starting school today but unfortunately something bad happened with.. his mum.. and he's gone into a state of shock. He's been passing out everywhere and not eating, so he had to be admitted to hospital." he almost whispered, and with a slight grimace, pushed his hand through his hair.

"So that's why you didn't sleep.. I suppose you were with him last night, keeping him company?"

I was in awe.

"Yeah, but I had to come home before you arrived because I didn't want to worry you."

"So you've had no sleep.. oh my goodness Tae. Wait. How on EARTH did you still beat me to school running? That's so not fair!" I screamed at him, all of a sudden getting upset.

"Hey don't you pout at me, I've had plenty of practice against you. And anyway, that's not the problem. I'm not sure when he's going to wake up, he's in between just asleep and a coma, so it's quite dangerous at the moment." Tae sighed, and pushed his hand through his hair again.

I mustered enough strength to stand up, and grabbed both of his hands. He needed someone to comfort him, and after everything he had helped
me through, I felt that it was only fair that I was here for him too..

"Tae, he will be ok, he is in the hands of professionals. You know have done all you can, and I'm sure that he will appreciate it when he wakes up. If you need someone to get you anything for him, or visit with you, you know that i'm here for you, 100%. right? I'm your best friend, your soulmate, remember?"

I looked into his eyes. He was my everything, and I couldn't bear to see him so upset. I didn't even know his step-brother, but I would do anything to help him if it meant that Tae could be happy again, and smile his beautiful smile at me.

"Oh Minnie what would I do without you.." Tae whispered, and he pulled me into a soft kiss.

His thin but surprisingly feather-soft lips fitted well against mine, and I was filled with a warmth I felt like I had longed for, well, forever.

He freed his hands from my grasp and placed one on my waist, placing his other hand to cup my chin, holding me in place as our lips moved against each other.

I gasped at the contact of his hands, and at an attempt to take the kiss further, he slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

I felt like I was drowning, I didn't know what to do.. I felt stiff and useless but I also didn't know if I could take this further with him.

After a few moments of our lips moulding together, I pulled away, gasping, confused at what had happened and the way i felt.

"T-tae ? What the..." I questioned, and when I looked at him, he had a bright smile on his face.

All I felt was confusion. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, and felt comfortable as it was Tae who I was just kissing a few seconds ago. But, I was confused on why I had enjoyed it so much.

"Chim, I always wanted to kiss you. I'm sorry it was.. unexpected. B-but I wanted it to be you, I knew you wouldn't be upset. You can accept me, right?" Tae begged, worry now obviously laced in his eyes.

"Of course Tae, you know that I'm more accepting than anyone here.." I spoke, feeling a slight blush creep up to the tip of my ears.

Why had he kissed me? And why now.. after everything that had been said to me.

But unfortunately I had no more time to think over everything as the first bell for classes rang, and we both took off running again to get to class on time.


hihi ! i hope you like this chapter 🥰

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