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i walked to school, with my earphones in. i always loved music, it calmed me down in bad situations and it always put a smile on my face when i was feeling down.

as i finished my breakfast, i turned a corner that i turn every day, stopping in front of my favourite house ever. it belonged to Taehyung. he was my best friend ever, you could even call him my soulmate.

we did everything together, and he didn't care what people said about me, he never changed the way he acted and he always spent his time with me.

i knew he'd always be there.

with a smile, i knocked on the door once, twice, three times, and then switched off my music and put my earphones away.

it wasn't long before a familiar boxy smile appeared and i gasped in surprise.

"Tae.. what's happened, did you not sleep ? why do you look so bad.." i said, examining his under-eyes, as they were a mix of deep blue and purple.

"i-i'm ok, i just had a rough night. but let's not talk about it. time to go to school !" he said, locked his front door and ran off. "race me if you dare !"

and with that, i took off after him.

"and by the way, you don't look too great yourself" he shouted as i followed close behind him.

"excuse me, don't be rude, i even did my makeup today !" i shouted back, but i laughed nonetheless.


once we arrived at school, completely out of breath, we slowly walked to the front gate to regain ourselves.

"i won !" said Taehyung, a big smile on his face. he looked stunning, his hair windswept but in the most perfect way, and his cheeks dusted with a faint rose blush..

"yah.. you would think that running everyday would make me fit. i guess i'm just not born to be athletic." i replied, still feeling out of breath.

i put my head down further, and clutched my knees to stabilise myself, as i suddenly felt dizzy.

"Minnie ? you ok ? .. you don't look too good"

and with that, i slumped over and hit the floor.

"ow ! what the fuck.."

"oh my goodness what is it with everyone i know passing out.." Tae said with a sigh.

"what do you- ow ow give me one moment to stand up" i said, grimacing as i pulled myself into a sitting position.

"ok. i'm good. what do you mean, everyone passing out ?" i asked, getting the feeling that this may be linked to his obvious lack of sleep.

"i- it's difficult.."


When the moon rises- YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now