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He unlocked the door, and trying not to make a sound, he slowly dropped his backpack into the corner of the room.

backing out the door, he took hold of his broken bike and placed it up against his garage door. nothing he could do to fix it right now, first, he had to deal with his mother.

Jimin closed the door, and locked it quietly, and slowly made his way through the living room to the base of the main staircase. a slight snore echoed throughout the room, and a smile came to his face. good, she was sleeping. that meant he would have some free time.

He snuck up the stairs and into his room, heaving a shaky sigh as he shut his bedroom door.

He quickly opened up his bottom drawer and pulled out his painting supplies along with a fresh canvas. plugging his phone into a speaker on his right, he began to relax as music came flowing out of the speaker.

and now, he was in his comfort place. undoing the caps on his acrylic paints, he began squeezing small amounts onto his pallette, ready to paint.

"Hey babe, i'm home" he heard a male announce, and heard the front door slam, rattling the walls.

"shit" he thought, trying to replace all the caps on his bottles and putting them back into his drawer with shaky hands, along with the canvas and still-dry brushes.

Jimin didn't want to waste the paint he had used, so he carefully placed the pallette on the top of the pile and slowly shut the drawer.

grabbing a book that he thought was appropriate, he ran and quickly laid down on his bed, flipping to a random page.

a knock sounded at his door, and he jumped a little, but kept his composure and pretended to know what he was reading.

"hey son. how was school.. did you learn anything new ?" his father asked, still in his work clothes.

Jimin sat up, greeting him with a smile, and placing his useless bookmark into the page he was 'reading'.

"yes, school was good, but i was glad to get home' he replied, starting to become uncomfortable. his dad didn't usually ask him about his day. did he see the bike ?

"Jimin.. you know you can talk to me if you need to, right ?" said his dad, with a slightly worried look on his face.

"yeah, i know dad. thanks." he replied, giving him a small smile.

"well if you ever feel like explaining why your handlebar is bent into next week, you know where to find me. maybe i could fix it for you." and with that, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

there Jimin sat, who knows how long for, burning up in shame and slight embarrassment. he hates how his dad could see straight through him.

When the moon rises- YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now