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fuck.. my head kills.. i thought, and tried to turn over but had no success. wait, where am i ? i'm trapped, i can't move my legs or arms.. help ! someone help !

i tried calling out, but all i could see was black, and i couldn't seem to open my eyes or my mouth to call someone to help. i was stuck.

"hello sir, are you family of Yoongi ?"

"yes i am, i'm his step-brother" said a familiar voice, but Yoongi couldn't work out who it was.

"do you know if this happens regularly ?"

"what are you asking, exactly ?" came the familiar voice again, and i wanted to reach out for them, i knew i could find comfort in the male's voice.

"he has had a panic attack, he could have induced himself into a coma if you had not run him into our office in time. we've put him on a fluid tube and we are feeding him too, to ensure he doesn't slip into a coma"

"Yoongi.. what's going on ?"

the voice asked, and i wished that i could reply.

i needed to come back, but i was trapped. i couldn't do anything.

the last words i heard before i slipped back into unconsciousness were..

"Yoongi, if you can hear me, i love you. i need you to wake up so we can talk. i don't want to be without you, please."

and with that, everything turned black.


When the moon rises- YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now