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yes ! this was going to be the best summer ever, thought Yoongi. he was finally getting a new bike, as all the money he had saved from work had come together well. it would mean he could get to places quicker, and now he had a ride to school when he started in september.

the sun shone down on Yoongi's face, as he laid in the long blades of grass surrounding him. behind him laid his rucksack filled with his lunch and water, but he didn't feel like eating just yet.

Yoongi sighed in contentment as his eyes fluttered shut, and soon a relaxed smile made its way to his face. Freshman year was going to be his year. he'd put his head down and start with work instantly, to ensure good grades, and he'd be getting a pay rise at the end of the summer, so he'd work hard too.

he was excited for starting his new school, he couldn't wait to make new friends and learn new things too.

as he thought of new faces and new classrooms, he drifted off into a light sleep, unaware of the time that was passing..

"shit ! i'm so screwed" shouted Yoongi, as he checked his phone. it read 10:34pm. his curfew for summer nights was 10:30, but it took him 20 minutes, if not more, to walk back to his house from the empty fields.. he'd have to run and apologise profusely to his mother who was waiting back at home for him.

as he took off, a heavy weight began to loom over Yoongi, and for the first time that day, he felt a sudden uneasiness. he didn't know where the feeling had come from, or why, but something felt off. but as he ran through his front door, any previous worries he had slipped away as his blood turned cold.

his mother was dead.

splattered in the fresh cream carpet was her blood, sprayed all around her and on her neck. what had happened ? Yoongi dumped his bag and ran over to her, careful not to touch anything.

with shaky hands, he called the police and an ambulance, and before he knew it, he was being lifted off his knees and being wrapped in a warm blanket.

Yoongi didn't know when the tears had started, but he felt them slowly making their trails down his cheeks and into his sweater.

he knew he wouldn't sleep that night.

When the moon rises- YoonminDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora