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Hello lovely people. Before you start reading let's be honest, the last chapter comments were dry as a bitch. And hey, that's okay. But I'd like to keep them coming because it'll let me know if you guys are dead ass still feeling this book or not.

Here's your ticket. 🎟

(And for the love of me and you, if you see any errors please let me know. Thanks.😘)

It was another weekend at Aida's house and if you guessed Torri was there then you guessed right. Aida wasn't home though, she had to go to work this Saturday so Torri was alone.

        Torri had decided to spend the night like other times so she was used to it. She was laying on her stomach, scrolling through Instagram in boredom as she waited for Aida. That didn't last long though because she decided to smoke.

She goes to the patio and sits at the table before starting her process of rolling up. She was never a disrespectful person. She'd never smoke inside Aida's house just like she would never smoke in her mother's house. And though Aida said it was alright for her to do so, she still decided on doing it outside. She felt as though that was low (smoking inside someone's house that is), especially if the person's house she was smoking in didn't smoke themselves.

After crushing the weed, she carefully fills the blunt before sealing it with the swipe of her tongue. She always took her time creating what she called her masterpiece because if done wrong, she'd be agitated with having to do it again. She lights it before inhaling and once the smoke fills her lungs, she fully relaxes into the seat with her eyes closed. It was dark out only adding to her peace.

Once her blunt was a roach she put it out with a small closed-mouth smile. She was higher than a kite. She stands up to go back inside but hisses when she steps on something sharp. "What the fuck." She uses the flash on her phone to find the suspect and when she does she frowns. She picks up a little Pink teacup. It was palm-sized. She flashes the ground again to see more pink palm-sized toys. It was a whole tea set. She stares at it for a moment before suddenly laughing. Who was having a tea party on Aida's patio? She squints at the set and her sight seemed to have tricked her because one minute there was nothing there and the next she saw fairies settling down for the crumpets. She quickly sets the teacup back down gently, not wanting to interfere with whatever was going on, and goes back inside.

       As soon as she closed the patio door Aida entered the room. "Aida." Torri smiles lazily.

        Aida laughs, setting her belongings down. "Torri." After she changed into her sleepwear (something she rarely did) she laid down and Torri instantly made herself comfortable in between her legs, her head in the crook of her neck.

         "I been missing you," She mumbles.

          "You only miss me when you're high." Aida laughs.

         "Hell yeah. I be wanting to be under you."

        "I can see that," Aida states, referring to the position they were in as she begins to play in her hair.

          "How was work," Torri asks.

          Aida sighs. "It was okay. I'm just glad I'm off the next two days."

           "Me too. Ion want you stressing."

           Aida can't help but smile. Even when Torri was high she was still caring. It went into a comfortable silence as the two relaxed in each other's presence. Aida was glad Torri wasn't really an electronic person and loved her peace and quiet too. It made Aida's relaxation 10x better. Especially when spent with this girl.

            The next day, Torri woke up first. She wasn't on top of Aida anymore but she was facing her. She was really starting to like this girl. She liked the quiet and reserved ones because that meant she didn't have to worry about them cheating. And Aida was just that: quiet and reserved. It was cute. Torri also liked this because it meant Aida wasn't one to pick fights. Torri didn't like girls that liked to pick fights for attention. It was toxic and negative energy she didn't want to absorb.

         Her mind drifts to last night and she almost smiled. That was the best high she had in a long time. And she knew it was because she swore she saw fairies having a tea party.

        Tea party? She thought. She had almost forgotten about those toys she had seen on the patio yesterday. She slowly sits up, careful not to wake Aida, and goes to the patio door. There were no toys there anymore and she concluded that she was tripping last night.

        When Aida woke up they had breakfast and then lounged around the house. Around three Torri had to leave for football practice so she kissed Aida on the cheek goodbye and left for her side of town.

        Aida didn't like when Torri left. It almost came to give her separation anxiety but she could never show it because there's no telling if her little would come out or not.

         She went to the backyard to get some fresh air in hopes to lead her mind elsewhere but when she gets out there, something catches her eye.

         Her miniature tea set lay in the grass, scattered. You wouldn't have noticed it from afar though due to the grasses length; she needed to get it cut again. She is confused as to why they lay there as she carefully picks them up. She'd never take them from her room because they were collectibles. But sometimes she did play with them in her room.

           Still confused, she looks up and her eyes widen when the realization hits her. They had fallen from the patio. And no wind could have done this because the set was not plastic. Which could only mean one thing. Aida gulps as fear overtakes her. Had Torri seen her toys?

Talk to me in the comments. Have you started school yet and if so how is it going?

It's going great for me I'm finally starting to get out there more. 😌

I have nothing else to say so...

Much Love ❤️

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