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Here's your ticket into Chapter five.



               Soon enough Torri was at her doorstep knocking, and a little after that they were in Walmart shopping for Aida.

          "Aight, so look. When you shopping, you need to start buying stuff in bulk. You want these noodles right?"

          Aida nods.

            "So, what you do is you take a box or two, don't just take a few because you don't wanna run out and you gotta think about what if there's a food shortage. You don't wanna be stuck at home with no food. Now, those bagels in the buggy you don't gotta worry about getting more than one because it will last you at least one week or maybe even more if you decide to eat other stuff for breakfast. And since it's only you that'll be more than enough."

          "I get it." Aida's buggy was filled to the brim as they walked around the store, Torri teaching her how to shop as well as stay within a budget.

             "How does it feel to have your own place?' Torri asks as they walk through the aisles.

            "It's everything I expected. I love it."

"That's good. Why did you move out though if youn mind me asking."

"I... just wanted to get from under my mother's roof. There was no particular reason why."

Torri nods. "I can't wait to move into my own shit. I'm tryna get like you. But, you said you just got your job. How you handle bills?"

"My mom helps out for right now until I'm stable enough."

    "So, you live close to your her?"

          "No, I live thirty minutes away."

"Oh, so I'm assuming you had to switch schools?"

Aida bites her lip nervously. She hoped Torri wouldn't judge her. "I'm a dropout."

    "Really? So, you just living it up, huh? You got yo own place and you don't gotta go to school?"

    "I mean, yeah. Of course, it has its dark sides like having to take more responsibility. Such as this." She gestures to the buggy. "Which I'm obviously not doing very good with."

    "It'll get better. If you need me to come with you again, I can. I'll even remind you when it's time."

    "Really? I'd appreciate that, thanks." Aida was slowly but surely becoming comfortable around Torri. Probably because the girl was showing her attention. "Where do you live?" She asks, grabbing a jumbo bag of sour patch kids.

           "I live by your job all the way in Camp Creek."

           Aida gasps. "You live by Six Flags?"


          "You have to love that. You get to go whenever you want. When I was little I used to love going there but since we lived so far we only went on special occasions."

          "I been living by it all my life, so to me, it's kinda played out now. Don't get me wrong, it's a great park but when you've rode everything so much, it gets boring."

        "My little self would switch lives with you any day."

        Torri laughs, her eyebrows furrowed. "Your little self? That's a weird way to word it."

         A warning alarm sounds off in Aida's body and she pinches the side of her thigh out of nervousness. "I-I just meant my younger self." She avoids looking at Torri as they continue to walk.

           After Torri paid for everything they were on their way back to Aida's house. It was around midnight when they got there and Torri helped Aida put the groceries away. The whole time being done so, Aida was still on edge. It was already bad enough that she was soft-spoken, she was sure it wouldn't be a surprise to Torri if she slipped up and showed her true self, her real ways.

       Torri did leave soon after, and that's when Aida could finally relax. She went ahead and pulled out her pink sparkly journal and wrote about her time with Torri. And in the end, when she was drifting to sleep, the last thing on her mind was to make sure that she remained mindful and careful of her actions. Because she knew everything could turn into a spiraling mess if the wrong thing came out, verbally and/or physically.

This chapter is short but meaningful.

If you're still here enjoying this book go ahead and share it wit ya friends‼️🗣

I'm really appreciating the support this the most exposure I've gotten while partaking in descriptive writing. Y'all some real ones for sticking behind this. For real. And y'all know who y'all are. Ion gotta say it just how y'all don't. Y'all energy speak for itself.❤️‍🔥

When y'all want the next chapter? Today? Tomorrow? Next week? Let me know in the comments.

Much love.❤️🙏🏽

Age RegressionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon