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𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙪𝙥!!!


Aida didn't know why Paris barged in the way she did but she got the feeling that it was because of her.

"I'm gonna ask you this once and once only," Paris begins, "Do you know that girl?"

         So it is because of her.

"W-What girl?"

"You know who I'm talking about! That girl who tried to tell me how to do my job earlier."


"So now you have people coming up here to take up for you? What'd you do? Tell her I treat you badly?"

Aida gulps.

"I'll take that as a yes. You're about to be a grown adult. The last time you should've had someone stand up for you was when you lived with your mommy. You don't live with her anymore. You need to suck up whatever emotions you're feeling and just do your job. There are no excuses for any of your mistakes and bringing people up here won't make me ease up on you. You have to earn that. Show me that you can handle this and maybe I won't be so hard on you. You haven't done such so until then I will treat you how I think you should be treated. I don't care if this is your first job. You jump in the water and try to stay afloat." Paris grabs her belongings and before she leaves she says, "have someone else come up here. You're done. Because we don't need any distractions."

Aida felt a rush of melancholy after being left alone. She wanted to tell Paris that she didn't know Torri would show up, let alone that she'd say anything directed toward her.

        She cleaned the place and as she was locking up, someone called her name. She quickly turned around to see Torri.

"Oh, hey, Torri. Why're you still here."

Torri stands from leaning against the food stand. "I told you I'd wait for you. Didn't you get my message?"

Aida checks her phone for it, the bright light illuminating her face. She couldn't concentrate though because of the tears beginning to blur her vision. Paris really had a negative effect on her.

       She quickly blinks them away and clears her throat. "Oh, sorry. I was closing and didn't see it." She puts her phone back and then looks up at Torri who was now giving her a weird look.



        "Your eyes, they're watery." She steps closer, a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay?"

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