How many are there!?

60 5 3

Warnings: Bad words

Tony's POV

Clint, Sam, Scott, and Steve were all packed onto the couch playing Mario cart. I was in the kitchen helping Nat and Pepper make dinner.

"Alright children dinner is ready!" I looked at the 4 men that sat on the couch.

"Oi! We are not kids bully!" Scott tried to look offended as possible.

I heard Peter saying 'no' from his room and soon a little robot came out of his room, Peter came out and picked up the little robot into his hands. The robot jumped on Peter's shoulder.

"Okay. What the fuck." Sam was the first to speak up.

"Language!" Steve playfully smacked Sam on the arm.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Peter's room.

"Peter what was that?" I opened his door and saw a bunch of little robots running around the room. They all seemed to be talking to eachother.

"Peter what the hell." I stared at him.

"I made one and she got lonely so I made another then I kinda got addicted. But their cute! Hold one!" I sat down next to him and a few little robots came over to me. I had to admit they were pretty cute.

"Sir, Ned is calling. Would you like me to answer?" Peter looked over to the Robot on his shoulder.

"Yes please Karen." Peter lifted the robot onto a surface and his friends face popped up on a hologram projected by the robots face.

"Hey man whats up?" I left the room to give Peter and his friend some privacy.

"So what'd you see in there?" Clint turned around from his bar stool.

"Kid has like a million little robots running around his room, they seem to be pretty smart as they were all talking to eachother and walking around." I smiled a bit and then we heard laughter behind us.

We all looked and it was 2 robots, very small. One was chasing the other and their screen faces were smiling. The 2 robots looked familiar, they looked like Morgan and Peter.

"Morgan and Peter get back here! Daddddd you forgot to shut my doorrrrr!" Peter directed the 2 robots back towards his room.

"Those things are scary, why do you need 900000." Sam pointed at the one on his shoulder.

"They are fun to make, oh wait I actually have a surprise for you guys!" Peter called out our names into his room and then little robots that looked like our suits came out and came over to us.

Two of them could literally fly, Sam's, and mine.

"Wow Peter these are cool!" Scott smiled at Peter and held his mini him.

Sam's mini him flew over to him and landed on his shoulder, Sam looked terrified at first but soon liked the little one.

Nat held out her hands as her mini came up to her and put it on her shoulder.

Clint literally ran away and was terrified and went into the vents, but his mini was up there so he just accepted it.

Steve and Pepper both gladly held theirs and smiled at Peter.

"Peter, thank you, these are very cute." I smiled at my son and put the mini me on my shoulder.

Peter smiled and walked back into his room.

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