Maybe I'm dreaming?

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A/N: (I hope you guys like the story \(*o*)/ comment on how I did!)

Chapter 1.

"Hey Endless! Wanna go out with me?" Of course the football jock just had to ask her that. If it wasn't worse, she had to deal with him saying that everyday! She turned around and started to walk up to him, standing face to face, eye to eye until they both were only 2 feet away from eachother.

"Sakito, this is the 50th time you asked me this, maybe even more! If I have to tell you one more time I'm going to kick your ass." She was pretty much getting fed up with Sakito's teasing words, that's just trying to make her pissed off even more.

He got closer to Endless, as he did this, he turns around, teasingly wiggling his butt at her. "Awww Endless. Let's see if you have the guts to do it, because me and you both know that you can't even set a finger on this ass." She stared at him with cold, harsh eyes. She was about to give him the most terrifying time of his life, until her phone rang.

"Hello? Oh hey mom I'm almost there sorry for taking long. I'll call you when I'm near the house.... Okay I love you too. Bye." She hangs up the phone and then faces Sakito's butt again. She lifted her foot back as far as she could, before she runs to her house, and kicks with full force right in the middle. As this happens, she immediately runs straight home so she wouldn't have to deal with Sakito's aftermath revenge. She looks back and all she could see is Sakito lying on the ground with his hands on his manhood and butthole. She didn't have time to see if he was crying or not because she fears he will catch up to her.

Suddenly, before Endless turns around to see what's infront of her, she accidentally bumps into a guy. She falls down, lifting her head up and squints her eyes to see a guy with straight, long brown hair with a white streak of hair in the front, as his eyes glistened with green and light blue colors.

"I-I'm super sorry." she gets up and keeps on running and blushes with embarresement. The man just stood there as he saw her run away, and then continued to walk away himself to his destination.

"Mom I'm home! Mom?" She looks around the house

"Sorry hun I'm cooking dinner! Get washed up because it's almost ready!" Her mom said cheerfully.

Endless goes upstairs and gets her clothes and towel for the shower. She goes into the bathroom and turns on the water and begins to undress. She gets in and starts to wash her body. She then feels a bit loopy, unaware that she just ran about 20 minutes or so, and sits down inside the tub as the water goes down her naked body and face. Her pupils get tiny and all she can feel is herself going into another realm. She tries to concentrate on finishing her bathing, but her mind is showing her something else in that matter.

She sees two people about 2 years older than her, looking into eachothers eyes as the sun is setting. She can't see what they look like because there faces and body's are a black blur. As the scene of her daydream end, she finds herself waking out of the illusion from her mother yelling outside the door.

Honey your dinner is going to get cold! Hurry up and finish." And with that she left the bathroom door to finish up her meal and went to bed.

Endless turned off the shower and dried herself, still confused on what happened. She hurried and got dressed and went downstairs to eat and finish her meal. As she was done she went back upstairs into her bedroom and sat down doing homework.

"Maybe It was my imagination? But, why does it feel like I've seen those figures before?" She brushes off the confusion on what happened and went into her bed. She shuts her eyes and fell asleep faster than she imagined.

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