Something's quite off?

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A/N: (I'll give you the sign (§) when to play the music!)

Chapter 7.

Endless p.o.v

The alarm sounded and we all got up and got ready for school. I'm glad it's almost time for summer break. I can't take being in that school anymore but I'm glad to be with all the friends I have!

"Endless lets get going before were late!" Karen tried rushing us, but failed as Yuko and I was eating.

"Hai hai, hold on a sec you're always so worried. Take it easy Karen hehe." I tried calming her down but she's always so impatient.

We finished eating and began to and put on our shoes, heading out the door, and began walking to school. It was a pretty normal day actually.

Then of course as we were arriving to school, we saw the police there, and a few chickens that were either running around or shockingly beheaded....

"Damn, what the hell happened here?" I blurted out.Yuko.gave off a satisfied little smile...which also somewhat creeped me out but I shook it off...

"I'm not sure but I'll go ask one of the officers!" Suddelny Karen sped off without waiting for us to catch up. honestly I didn't want to go anywhere near the blood or the smell of it, so I'm glad she volunteered!

"Heh. I guess you can say that chickens do run around like their heads cut off.. of course this would be referred to humans!"

"Yuko that's odd I guess haha.." I tried not to sound disgusted as I see some of the officers and some students try to clean the place up a bit. As we both stared Karen came back and gave us the news.

"Okay guys, well it appears that this happened an hour ago before the principal even got here.. and more animals are dead inside of the building.., so school is only cancelled for today I suppose. Now I can go home and get some rest! See you guys later then!!" Karen finally says and hugs us both, then left like Their was a supply worth of chicken at home waiting for her...

"Yuko what should we do now.."

"You can come to my place for a bit I guess.. but I have some stuff to work on once were there, so you can sleep in the guest room once I'm finished." I nodded at his response and we headed toward his house.

-Yukos house-

"Here you go.." I went into the guest room, flopped on the bed, and instantly fell asleep as Yuko covered me up and shuts the door behind him as he walked out.


I started to dream... a very ugly and terrifying dream...

"H-HELP SOMEBODY!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs and I didn't know why. I saw blood, blood everywhere around me.... I was holding Karen in my arms in the woods... Her eyes were bloodshot dead, its like she had no soul, no proof of living existance inside of her..

I tried carrying her outside of the woods... nothing... nothing was appearing. Nothing gave us a sign that we could of or couldn't get out.. I began crying..

I heard footsteps coming from behind me.. I ran as fast as I could with Karen in my arms. I didn't think to see if the person was trying to help or hurt us.. I just ran out of fear.

Then I fell.. I fell by stumbling over my feet.

(because bitches always trip over nothing jkjk don't hurt me.)

I saw Karen's body rolled out of my arms.. her mouthed opened and she slowly stood up as I was still on the ground.. the footsteps came very close and stopped right behind me, but very close..

Karen came closer to me and held me in place as she covered my eyes... I tried to get out but she was much more stronger than me... suddelny I felt a pain in my stomach... again and again and again.. the person that caught up to us started to stab me over again in the stomach..

I couldn't move I couldn't do anything but scream the hell out of my lungs as blood gushed out of my mouth and stomach..

Then I suddelny woke up..

"ENDLESS!! ENDLESS WAKE THE HELL UP!!" I shot up from the bed in tears.. I saw Yuko sit beside me and hugged me as he rubbed my back..

"What the hell happened? What did you dream about that was so gruesome...."

I couldn't say anything. I'm literally terrified of what I dreamt about.. I cried in his chest as he pulled me a bit closer for a tight embrace.

"You don't have to tell me, but Jesus don't make me worry so much.."

"S-sorry Yuko.. but I'll tell you a-about the dream later." I managed to say.. I did like his presence as it did calm me down a bit, but I was still a little spooked...

"Let's pass some time eh.. that'll get that dream off your mind for a bit" he took my hand and we both got up from the bed and out of the room. I was very pleased to not remember, however I felt a bit worried for Karen now...

Does that mean that she's in danger.. Or does it mean that were all in danger... I couldn't help but think about this. As time flied me and Yuko sat down, watched tv, played some games, and cooked dinner. It got dark as we were keeping ourselves occupied, which I didn't mind either...

We finished our plates and headed toward his room where I sat on his bed and told him about my dream.. He was carefully hearing every detail I told him.. he sat there on his computer desk chair and started to think.

"Maybe you had that dream because of the chickens... lets get some rest okay?" And with that he laughed a bit and crawled into his bed and pulled me with him..

"Y-Yuko I can sleep in the guest room! I can sleep by myself." i tried to tell him but he gave me a disapproving no.

"You can stay here for tonight. I don't want you having anymore bad dreams that consist of murder or death." I gave up and nodded. I put my head on the pillow and he wrapped his arm around my stomach and started to hum a lullaby for me..

We both suddelny drifted off into a deep, but peaceful sleep...

A/N: (sorry if it was crappy :p I'm pretty tired and I don't usually stay up this late XD but I hope you enjoy to whoever reads this stuff .___. I love you guys!! Please share my story and let others know about this. Comment and vote if you want :3 <3 thank you guys!!)

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