Yuko's secret?

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Chapter 3.

"Endless sweetie time to wake up for school." Her mother said as she opened the door.

"I know mom, I woke up and got dressed early so I wouldn't be late again..." Endless started to yawn quietly as she dozed off trying to stay awake.

"Oh okay. I'll see you in a couple of weeks okay? Lunch stuff is in the fridge for you if you need anything." And with that, she walked out the room and into her car to go to the airport. Endless forgot her mom was going on a business trip today.

"Well time for me to leave too." she went downstairs, got her lunch, put on her shoes, and started to head outside.

"HEY ENDLESS!!" Someone screamed by her gate. She soon realized who the person was. Sadly... "S-Sakito!" She froze up to the sudden memory that took place 2 days ago. The day that she kicked him in the ass...and balls... ouch...

"Hehe. Don't think you're off the hook on what you did to me. I had to go to the hospital because of you damn it! And now I can't even walk properly yet!! So now it's payback time you little shit!!" He hopped over the gate and slowly walks to Endless.

Damn it, I can't do anything! She thought. She tried to run away to jump the wall but she didn't have enough time.

"AHH! LET ME GO!!" She was forced on the floor with her hands held up against her head by Sakito's hand, while his other one was free.

"Hehe you're scared now huh? Should of never done what you did then!" He suddenly started to unbutton her blouse, and found where her breasts lie.


Suddenly they both heard a rustle by the bushes near her house. "Tch. It was nothing. now back to you."

As this happened, Yuko jumped over Endless' wall and grabbed Sakito by the head. He kneed him forcefully in the head and picked up Endless, and ran out of the gate to school.

"Why the hell didn't you call me!!" He yelled at her as he kept on running without stopping.

"You never gave me your number.." And a sweat drop thing went down her head. Endless held on to him as he kept on running.

Yuko slowed down and puts down Endless by a trees as he catches his breath. "Button your shirt up. I can see scary things."

Endless' face started to turn red. "S-SORRY!" She hurriedly buttoned up her shirt and turned away. "By the way..how did you find out I was in danger.. How did you know it was me?"

Yuko didn't say a word. He just wanted to go to school already. "It's not important. Just be glad you're safe. Come on. Let's go before school starts."

"O-okay." They both headed in, and saw mad Chaos. chickens were out in the middle of the hallway while the students were trying to catch them. One fell on another student, one picked up a layed egg, and another student was trying to maintain the panic from the chickens and students.

"What the hell happened here?" Yuko said as he picked up a chicken from the floor. "Endless Let's help out. I don't want to be late for my class." And they both started to pick up one chicken at a time. They placed them back into the cages where the animal club was located.

"I'll see you at lunch." Don't run off without me from now on got it? Yuko said sternly as he headed to class.

"Okay.." Endless walked to her class and waited for lunch to arrive.

-5th period-

"Okay class finish up what you're doing and as soon as the bell rings you can head to lunch." Mr. Kan explained.

"Hey Endless. Are you busy after school?" Karen asked as she started to put the books away.

"I have to go shopping for some food if you want to come. Why?"

"Because I have to do an essay and I need to use your computer! Haha!" She said as she sweats nervously.

Endless got up and grabbed her bookbag. "Your computer broke again didn't it?" Endless said as she turned in the worksheets.

"Yes.. ;_; but I'll cook for you in return!" Karen said while she got out her lunch. The bell rang for lunch. "Well I'll talk to you after we go to our last period!" And she ran off to the next class to talk to her other friends for lunch.

"I swear she's so irresponsible with her stuff." Endless got up and went up to the roof again to eat. she walks in and sees Yuko silently sleeping while his food was on top of his bookbag. She walked up to him and squats down. She was going to poke his cheek when he suddenly grabbed her arm in panic.

"Oh it's you. I thought you were some kind of kidnapper." He releases her hand and rubs his eyes.

"I seen you asleep when I came up here, and your food was out so I thought you fell asleep without notice." Endless sat down next to Yuko and pulled out her lunch and opened the lid.

"Oh yea I was. The warmth put me to sleep you know." Yuko opens his box and started to eat slowly with his fork.

"Here." She gave Yuko a bottle of water due to the fact that she packed an extra. "I brought two, and besides you don't have anything to wash it down with if you choke." She said as she started to eat her food.

"Wouldn't you save me if I was choking?"

"Depends how I feel."

"Well I see what kind of person you are." He said as he finishe his meal.

"I'm just kidding calm down. I would save you." she finished her meal and drunk her water. He did the same. "Besides you're a cool person to talk to, and you saved my life..which I still don't know how you knew."

He looked at her as they still have plenty of time to talk. "Maybe some other time when I'm comfortable. Then I'll tell you. Like I said, be glad you're safe." and with that he didn't say anything else.

They stayed silent until the bell rang and they both headed back to class.

-last period-

"Okay class school is over. You may now head home." The teacher said.

Endless sat in silence the whole period thinking.

How did he know? What is he hiding? When the time comes?

This kept on racing in her head. Good thing Karen snapped her out of it. "ENDLESS WE HAVE TO GOOOOOO!!!!" She said as she tried to pull her out of her seat.

"Okay okay let's go." And they both left the school to the store.

-Endless' house-

"Don't break my laptop or I'll break your arm."

"Sheesh Endless that's harsh!! ≧︿≦"

"Haha. Just be careful. And don't worry about making dinner I got it!"

"Okay ^.^!"

-3 hours later-

"Endless I'm done!"

"Good! Dinner is done too." Endless brought the food to the table and they began to eat.

"Wow this is amazing!!! I should let you cook for me at home hehe!"

"Aww thanks! You can stay the night if you want. I don't want you to walk home by yourself In the dark." Endless ate all her food and stood up to put her plate in the kitchen.

"Okay ^o^! good thing I packed clothes huehuehue.." Karen finished her food and picked up all the dishes and cleaned them. "Go to bed I'll talk to you in the am okay."

"Gotcha!" And Endless went to her room and change her clothes, re-remembering of what happened today. Even if it was starting off bad, it began to turn smoothly. Endless smiled and went into her bed and fell asleep peacefully.

A/N: (that took forever v~v but I'm glad I did it!! =w= hope you like the story. Sorry if it sounds boring. I tried to make it as interesting as possible ;_; <3 more coming soon!! Now I must go eat because I haven't ate since I was writing this ;-; <3 love you guys!!)

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