Vegas Baby!

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I knew this trip would be interesting since there was so many of us and we're ghetto as hell. Memories was to be made but lord, I can't even with this group of people.

I took account of my mom's worries and made sure to keep her very updated. Yep, she's knows every single thing that's happened so far and it's entertaining to her too. It's almost as if she's here with us.

I told Kendrick what mama told me about our 'move'. He was super quick to say I can go on the road with him now. I told him I'm still thinking about it, even though it's pretty obvious I'll most likely will take up on his offer. We'll see.

Mama took some vacation days from work because my uncle and aunt flew into LA. They gonna look around at potential homes for us while I was in Vegas. I know they're sleeping in my room, I hope they don't go through my stuff. But anyways, we in Vegas baby!

Me, Kenny, Tasha, Mack, Q, Evon, Smacc, Ali, Soul, Keem, Dave, Jay, Kal, and TDE security. Jay and Ali brought their girls along, Jayda (Ali's fiancé) and Tiana (Jay's gf). I'm cool with that, especially since the trip was dominated by men, and new friends!

Kenny came through with the private plane for us to use, which saved a lot time and was more convenient. We left on Saturday instead of Sunday. We rented two vans to use as transportation. I booked us rooms at The Venetian Las Vegas hotel. It was super bougie and classy but I think it was worth it. I booked us all to be in the same area but not next to each other because I don't want to be traumatized by or overhear anything I don't need to. So far it's been pretty fun but like I said, I expected it to be an interesting trip.

The original plan was for the girls and I to share a suite but obviously that plan was taken out when I invited Kendrick and the guys along. Tasha kept complaining to me about the guys coming so I figured she'd still want me and Evon to room with her. Evon, Q, Kendrick, AND Tasha said nope to that idea real quick, especially Kendrick.

Tasha said since she's getting her own room, she plan on fucking. Lord have mercy.

The trip is a total of 6 days. To sum up the first 4 days of being in Vegas; loud, obnoxious, funny, annoying, girls, alcohol, marijuana, clubbing, casinos, shopping, Smacc almost got arrested for fighting on the first night, we momentarily lost intoxicated Mack, Q, and Keem, Tasha complaining the whole time, Kendrick and Q being the ultimate annoying yet funny duo of all time, fans recognizing the TDE's Black Hippy but mostly Kendrick, Q and Evon arguing because Q was accused of flirting with another girl, and the most shocking of all, Mack and Tasha hooked up and got caught by me of all people.

Anyways, we're on day 5. The night before was just flat out stupid.

Y'all remember the whole Area 51 idea? I was only joking, I didn't expect us to actually go. And I expressed that when they asked me when I was planning on going, but it's appreciated for the consideration though. They let the idea go until lunchtime the day before. I don't exactly remember what we were talking about that we got back on the topic but Tasha, Mack, Keem and Kal got curious and thought it was be even funnier to go when it was dark. I thought it was crazy but shit, I was down. Since I was down, Kendrick wanted to come too.

So that evening, the 6 of us were just gonna go for it and make it an all nighter event while the rest of the group stayed in town. Keem and I were deemed designated drivers. I drove us there, Keem was gonna drive back. They was asking me all kinds of questions because I was the only one kinda educated about the trip. It's a total of a 14hr drive there and back, excluding stops. There's not many gas stops or resting places along the way. So we purchased fuel tanks and filled them with gas and everything else we'd possibly needed or wanted.

Let's just cut to the chase. Eventually, we made it there but you couldn't see a damn thing. It was just pitch black. It slipped my mind to being flashlights because all I was really thinking about how stupid this was. In my mind, I didn't actually want to do this anymore but I wasn't gonna bitch out.

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