Chapter 1

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A year before she left Chicago....

Valentina's POV 

"I'm moving to New York City" I said as I walked up to the Intelligence unit. Everybody stopped at whatever they were doing and took their attention towards me.

"Wow Val are you sure about that? I thought you were going to join Intelligence after finishing at the academy like we always talked about" Antonio said walking up to his little sister.

"I'm sorry Tony, but I got offered a spot in the Special Victims Unit. Este es mi sueño y mi oportunidad de brillar. Te extrañaré mucho a ti y a Gabby" Valentina said suddenly switching over in spanish mid sentence.

"Lo sé y estoy muy orgulloso de ti. Solo estar a salvo, ¿de acuerdo? I just don't want to get any calls of you being hurt or missing" Antonio said switching to spanish as well before going back to English mid sentence.

"I will don't worry" I said hugging my brother and everyone else one last time before heading towards 51 to say goodbye to Gabby.

The drive there wasn't that long as the firehouse was just around the corner from the district which always made it easy for me to visit both of them. I parked my car in the side of the road outside the firehouse and looked at it before going in.

"Heyyy there she is!!" Stella and Brett said all excited walking up to me hugging me when the squad guys turned around to look. They were two my of best friends I had here in Chicago. I can't believe I'm about to tell them that I'm leaving... Especially Gabby.

"Hey how are you kiddo?" Kelly asked asked as I walked over to them.

"I'm good thanks. Is Gabby around? I need to talk with her it's urgent" I said looking down at the floor not wanting to show my tear filled eyes to them all as they always saw me as this bright girl who would light up every room she walked into. I tried my best holding back my tears as Kelly went off to find Gabby. 

"Is everything okay?" Stella asked looking at me concerned as I lifted my head up and she saw the tears forming in my eyes. 

"Yeah everything okay. It's just a family matter" I said hugging Stella as Gabby walked in with a worried look on her face. 

I took her hands as I started breaking down. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I really didn't want to leave Chicago, but I have it's what's best for me after everything that happened. I need to get away and start a new life in a ne city with a new job where I can put everything behind me. 

I looked up as everyone now was looking worried at me. 

"Gabby.... I'm moving to New York. I'm gonna miss you so much, but I have to leave and you know that" I said hugging her as tears forming in her eyes as well, both her and Antonio had been the rock and biggest support for me in my life. I was never really close with our parents. According to them I was a mistake, so when they kicked me out at 15 I moved in with Antonio and he got legal guardianship over since our parents wants nothing to do with me anymore. But now it's time for me to move on and build my own life and career. I can't keep relaying on Gabby and Antonio for the rest of my life. They got lives too that they need to live and kids that they need to take care of plus I'm a grown adult now, so I don't them looking after me anymore or pulling any strings or favours for me. I want to work my way up through the system fair and square and make a name for myself and not be known as Detective Dawson Jr just because we share the same last name and the same job title. 

"Why so sudden? Did anything happen. I thought you were doing good at the academy" Gabby said leading me into the common as the rest of them looked worried at us as we sat at the table. 

"I'm doing really good at the academy, that's the reason why I'm moving" I said filling everyone with anticipation on what the news might could be. 

"I got offered a spot as a Detective in the Special Victims Unit. They thought because of my skills and background that I was a perfect match for the unit" I said excitingly as everyone clapped and cheered for me as Gabby hugged me tight saying how proud she is of me as Stella and Brett came over and hugged me as well. 

"Girl that's amazing! I'm so proud of you. Not gonna lie you gave me a real scare out on apparatus floor. I thought something serious had happened." Stella hugging me again smiling proudly at me. 

"And before you ask. Yes I already with Tony about it I'm actually coming directly from the district and he approved of it though he was a bit disappointed that I wasn't going to join Intelligence, but as Voight said you always gotta save the best for last" I said smiling and laughing as everyone laughed as well. 

Later that day at the airport

"I'm so proud of you sis and just know you can call us anytime if you need anything" Gabby said hugging me as we both got teary eyes as well.

"And if anything happens don't hesitate to call and I'll be on the first flight to New York" Tony said hugging me as well as he dried my tears away and kissed the top of my head. 

"Thanks to both of you. I'll update you when I'm in New York and settled" I said hugging them one last time before heading off towards my gate. 

That day was the last time I spoke to any of them. After I started working at SVU things took a turn. I'm no longer the same young and native girl I was back in Chicago and I also didn't let people into my life as easily anymore well... except for my boyfriend, but you get the point. If you want to be apart of my life you have to earn it, it's as simple as that. 

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