Chapter 4

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Walking in to the office again she looked around and walked straight over to Nick hugging him from behind.

"What are we looking at?" Valentina asked looking at all the papers in front of Nick. He looked up and turned around gesturing for her to sit on his lap and she did so leaning into his chest hugging him while listening to his heart beat. When Amanda and Carisis walked in as well sitting at their desks.

"Aww well isn't that just a cute sight. How are you feeling Val?" Amanda said walking up to the two of them and turned around so she was facing Amanda with Nick holding his arms around her waist.

"Eh I'm okay it takes more to knock me out and trust me when I say I've been through worse things" Valentina sat looking at Nick who got a worried look on his face. This is the closest they've been before talking about her past.

"It's nothing for you to worry about, it's done over" Valentina said turning her head to kiss Nick as she sat up again and got off Nick almost falling backwards but smashed her back into the corner of his desk when Olivia walked in with Sargent Hank Voight from Intelligence unit. She quickly excused herself when Olivia stopped her.

She shaked off her hand and walked over to the fridge grabbing a freeze pack for back before walking off into their bunk room. She was not ready to deal with Intelligence and probably her brother as well. Her life in Chicago couldn't be mixed with her in New York that she so carefully have been creating the last 2 years of working in this unit.

"Everyone this Sargent Hank Voight from Chicago Police Department's Intelligence Unit. Him and some other detectives will be helping us with the case of Luna Gonzales, there seems to be more to these parents than we think. Nick why don't you go get Val so you two can inform him on what we know so far as the two of you have made a relation to the girl?" Olivia asking for Nick to get Valentina, but he doesn't think that's a good idea. Something seemed off between Val and the Sargent when he walked in. It's like she became another person the way she acted cold taking the freeze pack walking out having no eye contact with anyone.

"Valentina is still working here?" Voight asked smiling kinda relieved since none of them have heard from her since she moved to New York.

"Yeah she was the detective who Amaro just walked out to get. You know her?" Olivia asked leaning up against a desk folding her arms as Voight smiled and laughed a bit "Yeah I do. Sweet girl always lighting up the whole room with her smile. I've known her since her brother started working in my unit. Poor girl though she's had a rough past you just can't see it on her" Voight said as everyone went quiet. They didn't know what to say, they didn't think she had any family or had contact to any of them. Silence fell again over the office as Jay and Antonio walked in.

"This is Detective Jay Halstead and Detective Antonio Dawson" Voight said introducing them as they greeted everybody when Carisi stood up.

"I'll go check on Amaro and Dawson to see what's taking so long" Carisi said as Olivia nodded at that sending him off towards the bunkers. Hearing the name of his baby sister even though it was her last name brought tears to Antonio's eyes. He hadn't talked to her since him and Gabby sent her off at the airport in Chicago 2 years ago, he had so many questions about why she decided to cut them off.

Nearing the bunker room Carisi stopped in his steps as he heard sounds coming from the bunkers that he preferred if he hadn't had heard. "Ahhh Nick... Nick... ahhh it hurts" In disbelief and slightly scared he walked back out in the office looking like he had just seen a ghost but trying to hide it which didn't work out well.

"Carisi you okay?" Amanda said walking up to him getting him back reality. "Yeah I'm good. They're coming back in soon. It seemed a bit personal so I just left be for now" Carisi said as Amanda smirked knowing what they might be doing. After setting Voight, Jay and Antonio into the information they have on the case so far Nick and Val walked out into the office again holdings hands with Val holding tightly onto Nick. Amanda noticed that and gave Nick a concerned look which he just ignored for now.

"Detectives, this is Detective Jay Halstead and Detective Antonio Dawson from Intelligence unit" Olivia said introducing them to each other. Nick let go of Val's hand and kept her behind him as he greeted the two detectives.

"Detective Amaro and this is my partner Detective Dawson. It's nice to you both" Nick said as they both shared their hands. She kept a professional face pretending like she had never seen them before as she greeted them and walked over to her desk. Why did they have to send the two people she was closest two in Chicago out of everyone in that unit. Of course it had to be Jay and Antonio and it's not like she was pleased to see Voight again either. Too be fair she just wanted to forget about her life in Chicago which was the whole reason with moving here but they have to come and ruin the life she's been building the last two years.

Earlier in the bunkers with Nick and Val....

Nick walked down the hallway when he heard sniffing coming from their bunkers, slowly he opened the door and saw his girlfriend sitting on one of the beds with her head in her knees crying. He quickly walked in and closed the door walking over next to her. He took an arm around her pulling her into him as she started balling her eyes out to him.

"Baby what wrong?" Nick asked looking at her face drying away the tears on her cheek.

"I came here for one specific reason. To start a new life on fresh a place where no one knew about my past and then they show up. There's a reason I never talk about my family" Val said trying to control her breath drying her tears away.

"My brother, his name is Antonio Dawson and he's my legal guardian and he's been that since I was 15 when my parents decided that they wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He also works for Hank Voight as a Detective in his unit" Val said taking deep breaths trying to keep it together.

"Take your time baby. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" Nick said hugging her from the side kissing her on the top of her head.

" As a child when my brother went to police academy and my sister went to the fire academy... I was left alone a lot with my parents which never ended out good. He place my older siblings on some kind of pedestal portraying them as these perfect angel kids while I was nothing but a worthless mistake and a whore. I was only 12 years old and I had to fight for my life every single day until my brother figured out what was going on and applied to take full custody over me and won. I was assaulted by my dad from when I was 7 til I was 15. I was in and out of the ICU constantly" Valentina said leaning into Nick hugging him tightly. Now it made sense to him why she reacted that way when she was shot in the hospital.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that but you're safe now I will do anything to protect you and so will the rest of the squad. Now let me have a look at your back because I saw you grab an ice pack" Nick said smiling at his girlfriend as she smiled back at him taking of her shirt for him to see the slightly big bruise that had formed when she fell into his desk. He picked up the ice pack and pressed it on to the bruise as she flinched at first.

"Ahhh Nick.... Nick.... ahhh it hurts" Valentina said as Nick took the pressure away from her back as she breathed out slowly again and put her shirt on.

"It's not as bad as it seems, but just take it easy the next few days okay? Love you" Nick said kissing her quickly as they both stopped up and walked out of the room to be greeted with two unfamiliar faces or well to Nick they were unfamiliar.

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