Chapter 6

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They took Nick's abuelita into the squad room to take her statement when the phone on Valentina's desk started ringing.

"Detective Dawson SVU" Valentina said picking up the phone.

"If you ever want to see little Zara again you better tell your friend Nick to meet in our warehouse in Chelsea. He bring the money, I bring the girl. Tell him to bring $1 million in cash and if I see any of your little police friends coming along the girl will die" The man on the phone said with a strong Spanish accent. Just as he was about to hang up Valentina stopped him. If she was gonna make this deal she needed proof of life.

"Is Zara still alive? If we're gonna make this deal I need to hear that she's still alive" Valentina said into the phone and caught Nick's attention saying he wanted to talk with Zara but she asked him to back off for now.

"I'm okay. I want my daddy" Zara cried into in the phone.

"Zara sweetie I need you to listen to me now. You'll get to see your daddy soon I promise. Are you hurt anywhere?" Valentina asked trying to keep her calm.

"My tummy hurts really bad. I want to go home" Zara said crying into the phone.

"You heard her, she's alive. Now get him here or I'll make sure to make his life a living hell and he won't see his girl again" The man said and hung up the phone as Nick looked scared for his daughters life.

"Zara is alive, she told me her that stomach hurts but that seemed to be all. He wants you to go to your warehouse and bring $1 million in cash alone or he will kill Zara" Valentina said as everyone looked at him.

Voight walked up to him and patted him on the shoulders. He had completely forgotten that the detectives from Chicago was still here.

"Come with me. I'll help you get the money to save your daughter. How old is she? If you don't mind me asking" Voight asked gesturing for Nick to follow him.

"She's 8 and thank you Sargent" Nick said as the two of them walked out. Valentina looked up from her desk and saw everyone starring at her when Antonio came over to her. 

"Everything alright?" He asked as Valentina just flicked him off, she didn't need his sympathy right now or anyone else's to be exact. She just wanted to focus on the case and pray to god that Nick wouldn't screw this up, but then again it's his daughter we're talking about he's not gonna screw it up right? But then again it also is Nick we're talking about and he has a thing for loosing his temper real quick when people he loves are in danger or injured. 

Valentina glanced up at Olivia kind of as a sign for her to take the attention away from her. 

"Okay everyone lets back to work. We still have a case to work, so let's get going" Olivia said as Valentina thanked her and walked over to Jay trying to avoid her brother for now.  

"I'll take you to see Luna Gonzales, so you can talk with her" Valentina said as Jay thanked her and they walked out of the room with Antonio following along. 

"Are you just gonna ignore me for the rest of time we're here?" Antonio asked slightly annoyed. 

"I'm gonna do my job that's for sure" Valentina said not making any eye contact with her brother as they drove off towards the foster home where Luna was. 

As they arrived all 3 of them jumped out of the car and walked up to the reception. 

"Hey what can I help you guys with?" The receptionist asked looking at Valentina with a smile not quite trusting the two men behind her. 

"I'm Detective Dawson from SVU and these two are Detectives from Chicago. We're here to see Luna Gonzales" Valentina said as they lady smiled and nodded her head as she led them to where Luna was when a little girl came running up to her. 

"Valentina, you came!" Luna said as she ran up and hugged her. 

"I told you I would come back and I brought some friends of mine that I would like you to meet" Valentina said taking Luna's hand as she looked up at them hiding behind Valentina. 

They walked into a room where they could talk in private. 

"This is Jay and Antonio, they're detectives just like me and my parther" Valentina said introducing them to her when she remembered Nick's name. 

"Nick! You're boyfriend right?" Luna asked looking up at her as Jay and Antonio's eyes widened.

"No, we just work together" Valentina said laughing a bit as Jay looked at her.

"We would like to ask you a few questions is that okay?" Jay asked as she nodded her head and they started questioning her.

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