Chapter 7

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Nick had been ordered to take a few days off after everything that happened with Zara.

Valentina walked into the squad in distress and slight confusion.

"What's Peter Stone doing in Barba's office?" Valentina asked on the verge of tears just by the mention of him.

Amanda and Carisi looked concerned at her as Olivia came out of her office as well.

"Val are you okay?" Olivia asked as she walked over to comfort her, but Val just flicked her off as she flinched a bit.

"Where's Barba?" Valentina asked again as no one still hadn't answered her.

"Hasn't he told you. He put in his papers last night. Peter Stone is the new ADA for SVU" Olivia said as she also looked concerned at her now.

Something was up and they couldn't tell what, but by her reaction it couldn't be anything good. Shortly after Valentina started to hyper ventilate as she tried to express what had happened in the past since Peter was one of the biggest reasons why she decided to leave Chicago.

"No no that can't be. He can't be here, he shouldn't be here. I can't be here. Barba wouldn't leave me like that without any notice" Valentina said going into a full on panic attack as she started struggling with breathing when Peter Stone himself walked into the squad about to speak with Olivia about the on going case, but stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw Valentina.

"Get him away from me! I can't breathe" Valentina said breaking down as she grabbed her chest.

"Carisi get her out of here" Olivia said as Carisi when over to support Valentina and help her get out of the squad room and into an interrogation room where he pulled the blinds down so they be alone as she immediately collapsed in his arms, but slowly getting down again from the panic attack. Carisi was like a second brother to her and she knew she could always trust him with anything and he wouldn't say to someone else without her permission.

"I can't do this anymore" Valentina said still holding on to Carisi. He continued to comfort her as much as he could when he asked her concerned.

"What happened between you and Stone?" Carisi asked calming her down.

"We used to date back when I lived in Chicago or more like 'date' I was 15 it was right before my brother took me in while I lived on the streets for a short time and I had completely fucked my life up doing the worst things just to stay alive when I met this old man who sold me to him, but he didn't do anything at first and wanted to take god care of me and then we started getting intimate with each other after a few weeks and we had sex and then he left me saying he couldn't be a lawyer and hooking up with a fellow cops younger sister at the same time. We had some drinks he got aggressive, slapped me, called me a worthless hoe and then he left and 6 weeks after I found out I was pregnant with his child." Valentina said taking a break as the thought of everything that happened back then made her sick to the stomach just thinking about.

She went over to a bin in the corner and threw up as Carisi came over and held her hair back.

"It's alright just get it all out" He said as she continued to throw up when Amanda came in to check up on them, concerned to see Valentina now leaning forward over a bin as she stopped and leaned backwards in towards Carisi as he caress her side.

"Does Nick know any of this?" Carisi asked trying to keep his anger back. He couldn't believe that Stone would do something like this.

"No he doesn't and I don't want him to, I never told anyone about this and hoped it would go away by pretending it didn't happen" Valentina said as Carisi nodded his head.

"I tried to go to Peter the next day, to explain to him that I was pregnant with his child, but he didn't seem to care and instead gave me some money and told me to find a solution myself and that he couldn't be apart of this anymore. So a couple of months when by and I gave birth to beautiful little boy who I named Mateo and he currently lives with my brother in Chicago. He's 8 years old" Valentina said as she looked up at Amanda who was a bit confused and in shock and then at Carisi who was in disbelief over this and wanted to punch Stone for what he put her through.

After some time of the three of them just sitting and talking, Valentina agreed to go out in the squad room again as she has now calmed down fully.

As they came out again Peter was still there sitting in another of the interrogation rooms.

"Val, Stone wants to talk with you. Are you okay?" Olivia asked as she looked up at Carisi and Amanda and nodded her head though Carisi didn't like this idea.

"I'm good thanks" Valentina said trying to force out a smile as she walked into the room next to Olivia's office.

She walked in and closed the door walking over to the table and sitting across the table from Peter as he smiled lightly at her.

"It's good to see you again Valentina. How have you been?" Peter said looking at Valentina as she leaned back in the chair.

"How do you think? You left me pregnant with your child at 15 telling me to find another solution because you couldn't risk your career being with me" Valentina said about to tear up again.

"I'm really sorry about that. I was young and dumb and I had had a few drinks the night before I wasn't thinking clear. There hasn't been a day where I haven't been thinking about you. I have changed now I'm not the same guy I was back then" Peter said trying to apologise to Valentina even though he knew that what he did no apologi could save him from.

He put his hand over Valentina's as she took it and slapped him across the face.

"So now you're sorry after your career is secured? You didn't have the balls to tell me back then? You were the main reason why I left Chicago because i thought that if I moved to New York I wouldn't have to see you again, but here we are and btw your son is 8 years old and he keeps asking about where his dad is, so if you want to be a part of his life we can make some sort of deal" Valentina said standing up walking out of the room and sat at her desk when Olivia came over to her.

"Val can I talk with you in my office?" Olivia asked Peter walked out of the room they were just in with a red mark on his right cheek.

"What's going on with you and Peter?" She asked leaning back in her chair as Valentina said in the chair in front of her.

"My life back in Chicago was a mess up until my brother took me in. We used to sort of 'date' when I was 15 and then Peter and I got sexually involved with each other and then he left with the excuse that he couldn't be hooking up with a former cops younger sister if he wanted to be a lawyer" Valentina said as Olivia asked.

"Because you were a minor" She asked as Valentina nodded her head.

"Yes, no one knew about us and I needed a place to stay so it seemed like a good plan back then until he threw me out and 6 weeks later I found out I was pregnant with his child, but he wanted nothing to do with that and left me for good with a bit of money to sort things out and then a few months later I gave birth to his son Mateo who now lives with my brother in Chicago" Valentina said as she looked down at her hands and Olivia looked at her shocked.

"I'm not gonna press charges against him or anything. Everything we did was consensual. I wanted to have sex with him and I wanted a child with him. Back then I was madly in love with him, but now I see him as nothing but a Jerk who got to live on with his life and become a lawyer while I suffered" Valentina said as Olivia nodded her head at her statement.

"Okay then. I want you to take a few days off and go home and be with Nick a bit and then I'll talk to Peter and get his side of the story" Olivia said as Valentina just nodded her and stood up.

"I don't want to make a case over this, okay?" She said as Olivia nodded her head and she walked out and over to her desk to grab her coat as she walked out of the squad room heading home.

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