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"how did today go?" "Fine" "fine? That's all you are giving us?" "Jules and Natalie fucked shit up" "like always" "that's my fiance" Benji rolled his eyes "what happened at the show?" 'she looked fucking incredible' "Natalie jumped on the runway and got escorted out. Alexander left and didn't return.." "I don't give a fuck about them... I meant with Milana" the guys grinned "benji wants her" "more than. Never found a better match" "how would you know?" "We hit the floor at starlight" "WHAT?" Benji grinned "yep and fuck it was hot. Her security interrupted but I guess he was just making sure she was alright" "tell me you got her number?" Benji's eyes lit up. "Fuck yes" the guys laughed as he grabbed his phone out. "you forgot?" "Yeah.. oops" the guys laughed while Killian was internally cursing. "Another repeat of the past huh?" "No fucking way. That was a cunt move. If I get her, I plan to keep her" mack internally grinned as Killian turned his eyes.

"Hello?" "Milana.." Milana grinned "Benji, how are you?" "Well. You?" "Always. Wasn't sure if I would receive a call" "I forgot you gave me your number" Milana laughed and it was like music to Benji's ears "here I thought you'd hang up" "should I?" "Definitely not" "well then. best I stay and chat. You are at the club huh?" "Yep" "boring. Have to say starlight was much more intriguing" Benji grinned as he walked away and Mack laughed "he has her" Killian turned to look at mack and then at Benji. Seeing him grin, Killian took a deep breath. "Is that right?" "Well my end it was. What about yours Benji?" "Oh I am not saying no" Milana grinned "want a recap?" "Life" "that's a long time" "happy to meet any needs you have" "now that's got to work both ways now doesn't it?" Benji internally grinned "yes it does" "I have some very interesting news that people think I don't know" "well fill me in" "this doesn't go anywhere?" "No" "my old manager is trying to find Natalie to go against me in the show" "are you serious?" "Yes because I fired her fat ass" Benji laughed "I've got my own team. My guess is this will be happening in two days.." "Milana, is that business?" "Yes" "okay sorry I will meet you at the table" "it's fine" "was that your dad?" "Yep" Benji chuckled "oh this just got very interesting" "I believe he is divorcing her sorry ass. As I was saying. In two days, she will be at the show" "got tickets?" "Not something I expected. Since when.." "yesterday. Years ago" "I can send you one. Does mack want one?" Benji grinned. "MACK" mack walked Benji's way. "Feel like some fun in two days?" "The show?" "Yep" "something I don't know?" "Yep" "I'm in" Milana and Benji laughed "make that two tickets Milana" "you have got it. I better go. I have many people I need to enter.." "GET YOUR FINE ASS TO THE TABLE. Us five know that's no business call" "shh" benji and the girls laughed "bye" "bye Milana".

"Who was that hmm?" "Business" "I'm guessing pleasure but technically you will be working" jamee sent Milana a wink making her grin. 'mmm he is one fine man but I don't want to be fooled like I was. I have technically never been with anyone'.

"Sorry about that everyone. Where's Sarah and Brent?" "Right here" "hey you two".

"You going to fill me in?" "No I gave my word but it's going to be a show stopper" mack smirked "you two good?" "I believe so" "you don't think she has doubts from the past?" "I didn't do shit. I wouldn't".
"Hey baby" "argh" mack laughed "guess what?" "What?" "Milanas manager got rid of her and has asked me to model" Killian looked directly at Benji as Benji rolled his eyes 'just by that I know she didnt' "I doubt that Natalie. Milana would've fired her but if that's what you want to do. Do it" "you don't seem happy" 'cos he's not'.
'wait. she said out for dinner?. Well that's just rude. Not even an invite'

- not even an invite for dinner. How rude
Milana - not even an invite to the club. how rude but he can stick that place up his ass. I would've passed.
Benji laughed out loud.
"Show me that" Benji showed his phone to mack. Mack laughed.
- oi I want to have this number.
Milana - best you ask Benji for his number
- not his, yours.
Milana - fine Mackenzie, you can have it
- I'm in trouble. Thanks.
"What are you doing?" "Not messaging her off of your phone" "what?" Mack laughed as he got her number and saved it to his phone. "Here stress head" Benji read the messages. 'she already knew it was him'.
"What are you boys doing?" "What's it look like?. Don't you have your own friends you can go see?" "they are coming here. This is my fiances club" "wow. Your fiances club. How wonderful" the guys laughed as Natalie smirked "I plan to model" "you will fail" mack showed a cheeky smirk. "How does it feel coming second?" "argh I hate all of you" "like we do you" Natalie rolled her eyes and walked away. "Desperate that one" "I don't understand why he proposed" mack smirked "she gave out" the guys cracked up laughing "nah I'm good. Her and her friends are hoes" Killian walked back up stairs and the guys changed subject.

"So you have everyone here now. Anything you want to say. I already know you have plans" Milana grinned "I can never get anything past you Markus. Markus is right. I do have plans. I have already purchased a place where I plan to open my own studio. All the details will be sent out to those I want to share it with" "so you are staying?" Markus internally grinned "not in town no" "oh but.." "I have purchased a house just out of town. The agency will be just on the outskirts of town as well. Due to having not only having a clothing line but also a make up line, it needs to be large. I have a few favors to ask and other questions" Markus grinned. "Jamee, let's start with you. How many years have you got left?" "We are in our last year" "so you need work experience for that?" "Yes" "right. If you are happy to.." "I accept" everyone laughed. "right Brent and Devon.." "we are always with you" "I would like you to work with Markus.." "what?" "Just hold ya horses will ya" everyone grinned "to help find some more security but you two will be head of security and no decision is to be made with out your leadership" "done" Milana nodded "Benny and Kylie. I have spoke with Markus. I would like to see if you would be happy to do business together. Still keeping our own lines but have some that are from both of us. I think engaging mistress sounds exciting" both of them showed a massive grins. "sold" "I love that mixed together" 'my daughter is incredible. Intelligent, takes on board what her friends and business associates say and knows how to do business' "Tamia is head of distribution. I will be in talks with her. Kaylee is one of my most trusted partners in fashion design and of course I have Markus too. Who do you go through for your clothing?" "We don't. We run from home. Our daughter loves to craft" "who is your daughter?" "Rebecca" "I would like to meet her too" "that's both of us" "you may have an idol on your hands" Milana chuckled "I am more than happy to meet her".
"Sorry I am late everyone. Milana it's great to see you" Milana stood up giving Evan a hug. "I will introduce you to everyone" "sure" "Evan this is jamee, lia, aurora, Indi, holly, Benny, Kylie, Alexander, Sarah and well you know the rest" "I do. Good to meet you all" "you are definitely markus's son" "correct" "your sister fired her team and has a new one" "you got rid of those two skanks?" "Yes" Evan grinned "about time".
"Do you have everything you need for your next show?" "Actually.." Milana looked at Benny and Kylie making them grin. "You tell us the pieces and we will have them ready" "how about tomorrow I come down to the shop?" "Perfect" "are you only using their lines?" "No a mix of both but I want both promoted" Markus grinned "that I can sort out" "what are the lines for the show?" "Urban.." "that's yours" Milana grinned "urban, business casual, classic, chic, street and haute couture" "interesting" "the last one, I have one costume in mind" "the one you made last year?" "Yes" Markus grinned "that is going to be a show stopper" "let's hope they leave that category til last" "why is that?" "It may take a while".

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