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"good morning Milana" "morning everyone" 'what the hell happened to her finger?' "right, now that everyone is here. I need to go through everything with all of you" Milana moved to the head of the room.
"As you all know I have.." Markus, Evan, Devon, Brent, Malvern and Crain entered the room and all took a seat. "Quite a lot going on. Let's start with the first one. This week I have a photo shoot which jamee will be doing her work experience. Of course I want my head photographer.." Helen grinned "there to guide her. There will be myself, Amelia.." Amelia and Rebecca grinned "and Rebecca in the magazine" "since when?" "Since I decided I want Rebecca to have a go at modelling. She is a natural beauty" "I can work with her" "definitely" Milana grinned "right all items needed for the shoot will be there and the studio has everything you will both need. If you choose to use a different camera, you are more than welcome" "alright."
"Past that, I have just signed on with mistress and passion. Not only will we be running with this line but I have merged with mistress" Milana showed a picture of the tag "and passion" "that's a lot" "it will be at the start but once everything is up and running, it will be an easy process. The land has been purchased for the warehouse. Running all three out of one center there could be a Mix up and that's the last thing we want. As you can see.." Milana showed a picture of the warehouse. "It's all in one warehouse but it's separated. Trucks will load from different docks as well" "that's a positive" "you are right it is. Mistress, passion and I have discussed a few designs already. So by the time this warehouse Is built, we should have an entire line, ready to hit the floors" "what is the percentage?" "Ten" "ten from each?" "Correct. Mistress and passion would not accept unless I took some of the percentage" "good to know" Milana nodded.
"Everything with the make up is staying the same. Sales keep skyrocketing and if we need to produce more, we will but for now we are where we should be" "perfect".
"As you know my premises is still getting built but that should be completed within the month as long as the workers stick to their plans. When that is done, it will need to be filled. I will hire some trust worthy people and get the advertisement done" "I can sort out the advertisement" milana grinned "thanks Kaylee" "welcome." "Let me know what you want put in the shop and I will have it sent to the new shop" "I appreciate it".
"When the office is finished, all meetings will be there instead of here" "why?" "This place is only hire and the contract is up in two months. There's no need to renew when we have an office to have meetings in" "makes sense and saves money" "correct. Now Montana contacted me last week" "another show?" "It's a one day show in salt lake city. This event is special.." "charity?" "Correct. I have agreed to do it" "that's a lot to take on board" "got to keep moving. Anyway, have any of you got a charity in mind. I have helped quite a few in the past" "what about the ASPCA?" "It's a nonprofit organization" "alright anyone else?" Rebecca hesitated. Milana picking up on her hesitation, she spoke "is there a charity you think could benefit from This Rebecca" "technically she isn't.." Milana put her hand up. "It's not a charity as such. There's a place here that's local. The woman who runs the place, gorgina. She takes in children who have suffered mentally. Also those who have suffered physically including sexually" "children?" "Yes. As young as three. I volunteer there" Milana grabbed her note pad and passed it to Rebecca "please note down what you know. I will look into it. I will speak to Montana and see what I can do if I do come in the top three" 'she will' Rebecca nodded. "Right is there anything that needs to be discussed?" "This trip. Will i need to be there?" "Milana will need a date.." Milana immediately cut Markus off. "You will need to be present as stated in the paperwork I had emailed to you. As stated, your travel and accommodation will be paid for. If there is an emergency such as family or a sickness then you won't need to attend. You will only need to attend for the show to make sure everything runs smoothly" 'she needs a date?. What the hell is she doing?' 'how dare he say that' "in eight days, correct?" "Yes" Benji nodded 'fuck I just want to pull her close' "is there anything else?" "I think it has all been discussed" "okay thanks for your time everyone. Rebecca if it's okay, i would like to speak with you about this place you mentioned" "it's fine" "I will be in touch with all of you either via phone or email" "have a good day Milana" "you too. All of you".
Everyone left all bar Markus and Rebecca and Milana sat down. "Rebecca how long have you volunteered at this place?" "Once a week for three years" "how did this start?" "My volunteering?" "Yes" "I walked past one day. I watched one man throw a child out of the car bruised, bleeding and screaming. That woman rushed out and helped the poor child. I screamed that I want to help and she let me in. The place needs a lot of work. There are mattresses everywhere. Only three women stay in the place over night.." "sorry to cut you off but is this place an organization?" "I don't know" "have you got the time to come with me to meet gorgina?" "Yes" "Milana you need to be careful" "I am aware. Rebecca, Can you please meet me in the foyer?" "Of course" 'oh here we go'.
As soon as Rebecca left, Milana grabbed the piece of paper. "I'm just concerned about this place" "that's not why I wanted to speak to you. What made you think mentioning I need a date is a good idea and in a meeting?" "You do and he is.." "no and no. I don't need a date. They said it's expected not customary. I had asked Devon and he said he can't go against you. Why the fuck I hired him, I have no idea, when he is going to take your word over mine.." "that's not it. You are fighting.." "NO. He said it himself. Now in future please do not mention anything along those lines unless I do in a meeting. I do not know why you are pushing this.." "because you two have something" "so you were concerned things wouldn't work and now you want to push it after all of you spoke to him with concern. This makes no fucking sense.." "WE FUCKING CARE MILANA.." "this meeting is done.." "just fucking listen to me. We fucked up" "yeah and he chose what he wanted. End of fucking story" Milana walked out and Markus slammed his fists on the desk. 'she is as stubborn as a fucking mule. She is going to lose a great guy all because of her stubbornness and what we fucking said. It's tearing her apart. All of us can see it but she doesn't fucking care'.

"You are relieved for the day Benji. Enjoy your time.." "can you just read my messages?" "I have things I need.." Benji grabbed her hand "please" "MILANA.." Milana removed her hand ignoring both Benji and Markus. 'fuck he was just speaking with her' Markus rubbed his face in frustration as Milana walked off. "I'm sorry benji. I know you like her and I know she has shut down. I tried.." "I don't understand. You all.." "admittedly we all fucked up. Now she is only destroying herself" "what?" "Look she is hardly sleeping. It's been all work and drinking. She is just piling more and more on her plate to keep her mind active. She has shut down and as much as I try, she is fighting me on it. She won't even acknowledge the men anymore because of what we did.." "well I'm getting nothing from her. She thinks I chose the job over her. In her mind it was just a game like Killian did. I have tried calling and messaging her but she won't respond or answer" "she hasn't even read them I can guarantee you that.." "what happened to her finger?" "She cut it. Hit a nerve. It has no feeling.." "what?" "She came to work intoxicated. When she finally went home, she went to make herself lunch and cut it deeply. It's not guaranteed that she will get the feeling back" Benji put his head down. 'its destroying her just as much as it's destroying me'.

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