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"miss Milana nash" Milana handed the referral to the nurse. "Oh please come straight through" "thank you".

"Miss Nash what have you done to yourself?" "Cut my finger with a brand new knife" "that'll do it. It says here you have numbness. You hit a nerve. I need to see your finger to see what we can do for you" Milana unwrapped her finger. Markus getting a look at it, he turned around as he held down his dry reaching. "You will need to go go under miss Nash" "I had a celebration last evening and consumed a bit of alcohol. What is the process?" "When was your last drink?" "Three" the doctor looked at the time "it's been over twelve hours. When did you eat last?" "Eight this morning" "that's fine miss Nash. We need to get this done immediately. You will only be under local anesthetic. The surgery should take twenty minutes and you will be awake thirty minutes after that" "okay thank you" "any metal will need to be removed" "yes doctor".

"Milana?" Milana opened her eyes to see Markus and the doctor. "How are you feeling?" "Groggy" "expected. No pain?" "No" "that's good news. I will slowly sit you up. If you head starts to spin or you feel unwell, please tell me" "okay".
"Feeling okay?" "Yes I am. What are the instructions for this?" "Can you feel it?" "Yes. Still numb" "that's expected Milana. we are hoping for the best but it may take some time for the feeling to come back" "may?" The doctor nodded. "It's not guaranteed" 'shit' "thanks for letting me know" "trying to use it will help but obviously with caution. I will get you some biscuits and a water. If they sit well then you can go home" "thanks".
"You have no pain?" "No. I guess they gave me pain relief while under" "you have quite a few messages and calls on your phone" "where is it?" Markus handed it to Milana. 'not even looking at those. It will only bring me down more. Shit it's Montana. My guess is she wants me in a show'.
"Here you go Milana. I will come see you again in thirty minutes" "thank you".
"Who was it?" "Montana" "I don't think a show is a good idea" "why not?" "You have enough on your plate.." seeing the door swing open, Milana held her tongue. "What's the results?" "It's fixed but they aren't sure if the numbness will disappear" "were you not fucking paying attention?" "Malvern" "no this is ridiculous.." "enough" Malvern sighed "still got the fucking shits huh?" "Can you cut your swearing out. We are in a hospital" 'im finding out where this show is' "don't be doing it Milana, you have enough going on" 'he can read me like a darn book' "gets me away" "not if it's local" "keeps me busy then doesn't it" "all you are doing is pushing the guy away" "no. You did that" Malvern took a deep breath "we were concerned" "I don't care" "don't care about what?" "Everything" Markus turned his eyes. 'she is shutting herself down. This is not going to end well' Milana picked up her phone and Markus grabbed it. "You can give that back" "you are not.." "I said give it back" Markus threw the phone on the bed and Milana grabbed it.

- hey girl, unfortunately I have done myself an injury. Won't be able to join tonight. Darn anesthesic and crap. Next time

'its not business otherwise she would call. Good'. Seeing her phone ring, Milana picked it up. "Hey" "girl what the hell have you done to yourself?" "Cut my finger open with a brand new knife. It's numb but I can't join due to the anesthesic" "fair enough. Don't be doing that shit. I'm not a doctor" Milana chucked "best you don't get my finger in the shoot then" "just stick it up your ass" Milana laughed "that's not going to happen" "you still in hospital?" "Yeah I have to wait thirty minutes, go get my car and go home" "so can't drink at all huh?" "Nuh but you can for me" "easy done..I do enjoy a scotch..." "Jamee get your ass back in the room" "argh. Bye" milana chuckled "bye". 'no idea who that was but my guess is she was planning to drink tonight. She can't be driving' "the car will have to wait. You can't drive just after surgery" "it can't stay there" "I will get Evan to collect it" Milana nodded. "What are you going to say to Montana" "I'm doing it" "Milana you know he will.." "I don't care" "right. You need to sort this" "I have" "no you haven't, you have just pushed it aside" "no you all did that" "Milana.." "Milana, how has the food settled?" "Quite fine but I could eat a lot of fatty foods right now" the nurse laughed "like most after surgery. These are you instructions for care" "thank you. Does this mean I can go?" "You sure can. I suggest you stay away from that knife" "I will throw it at a tree to blunt it" the nurse chuckled. "Take care of yourself.. umm.." Milana grinned "what is it?" "Can I by any chance get your autograph? I know it's unprofessional but I'm a massive fan" "get yourself a texter and you have got it" "oh my god thank you" milana chuckled as the nurse Ran out. When the nurse entered she raised her work shirt showing a white singlet. "Kara right?" "Yes" 'best of wishes Kara. Much love Milana nash' "there you go" "thank you so much" "you are very welcome. Thanks for the care" "oh you were easy to deal with" Milana grinned.

Arriving at the house, milana shook her head 'great just fucking great. I am not dealing with everyone'. Milana exited the car and Devon walked her way. "Don't look so happy to see us" "not expected" "yeah well I wanted to see you. Got time for your favorite guard?" "I suppose. I need to go to the office" "work already?" "I need to call Montana back. I missed her call. Everyone is here aren't they?" "Yes" "great" "hey it shows they care" Milana showed a slight nod. Entering the house, Milana walked straight to the kitchen with Devon. "Jesus Christ. How deep was that cut?" "Very. Can't feel it" "WHAT?" Milana looked at Evan "it fucking slipped okay. It's a brand new knife" "you are acting like a bitch" "yeah great. I have to clean this up then go to the office" "just stop. We will do it" "fine. Thanks".

"Don't even think about it" Milana looked at Malvern "think about what?" "Working" "well I can't do much else, I may aswell" "you won't be going in there" "its my house and my office Malvern" "the answer is no" "fine I will go to my room" Milana walked to her room and grabbed her iPad. Setting it up, Milana called Montana. "Miss Nash it's good to hear from you, how are you?" "Well thanks Montana. Sorry I was in surgery.." "stop. Why?" "Deeply cut my finger with a new knife" "ouch. There's a show coming up. I want to know if you are interested" "when and where?" "Salt lake city. Eight days. Just your style. Urban, street and spicy" Milana grinned. "How many days?" "Only one day. This is a charity event. All proceeds go to the charity of your choice" "should've started with that Montana.." "Milana.." "I'm on a business call" Devon chewed on the inside of his mouth.
"If it's for charity. I will do it. Do I need everything?" "You will. First place is fifty thousand. Second.." "twenty and ten" Montana grinned "correct" "and only those three categories?" "Yes but.." "oh here we go" "there's a function afterwards" "argh come on Montana" Montana smirked "you know how to deal with all of the rich" Devon listened in "do I need anyone to accompany me?" "It's expected but not customary" "DEVON" Montana chuckled as Devon spoke "right here" "I need my guard" Devon took a deep breath "I need to discuss this with Markus" "who is your boss?" "Well.." "well?" "You" "free in eight days?" "I don't know" Milana nodded "right I will sort it Montana but I will be there. Looks like I am needing a hotel that night" "book it quick" "I will do that. Thanks for the invite" "as always you are welcome. See you in eight days" "you sure will. Bye" "bye."
"Busy Devon?" "Markus isn't going to like this" "it's your decision Devon" "I can't go against Markus" "right. Thanks. I will find someone" "you have someone you just need to call him" "no" "Milana.." "I said no. I will sort my own shit out" Devin nodded.

"Business call?" "Yeah.." "she accepted didn't she?" "Yes" "I fucking knew she would. When and where?" "Salt lake city in eight days. She asked me to go but I told her I can't" "she won't ask him?" "No. She said she will sort her own shit out" "great".

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