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'where the hell has she gone?' Benji looked around with worry. "Benji?" "Wheres Milana?" Jake immediately stood up "MILANA?" Worry ran through mack "MILANA?" 'something isn't right here' both running outside, Jake clenched his hand "CALVIN" Benji ran straight to Milana as she laid on the ground. "Milana?" "Milana?" Shaking her a little, seeing blood soak her shirt, Benji started screaming "MILANA" 'shes been cut. Our baby and my fiance'. Calvin walked out then back in. "CHECK THE FUCKING CAMERAS RIGHT NOW. I FIND WHO IT IS THEY ARE FUCKING DEAD" "WHERES MILANA?" "We have em. See if Benji knows who they are" Cena ran out to Benji. "MILANA" Milana kept her eyes on Benji. "Benji do you know who these.." "I know all of them. They will be at Killians club" "right. Get her to hospital" "DEVON" hearing a car start, Benji just hoped and prayed it was Devon. Devon kicked the car out and stopped right next to Milana and Benji. "Keep holding on gorgeous" both getting her in the car, Devon raced Milana to hospital while Calvin looked at all the men present. "ITS TIME TO MURDER THEM. THEY DONT FUCKING TOUCH MILANA" "he's going to.." "SHUT IT".

Arriving at Killians club all six men pushed the security out of the way. Entering the premises, Calvin looked around. "Upstairs. Let's go" all six getting to the top floor, all eight girls were laughing in the corner until they seen twelve guns aimed at them. "SHIT" "WHAT.." "YOU ALL CHOSE THE WRONG PERSON TO FUCK WITH" "whoa I am the owner.." "THEY DIE. THEY HURT MILANA AND IF SHE HAS LOST HER BABY, I WILL KILL ALL OF YOUR FAMILIES TOO" "NO.." sending two bullets to all eight, killing them on the spot, all the men upstairs stayed dead silent until Killian spoke up "is Milana alive?" Calvin looked at Killian with a murderous look in his eyes. "I personally care. That's why I am asking. I didn't know these girls had hurt her. We were friends before she left" "Benji and Devon have taken her to hospital. She was alive when they took her" "the cameras will be cleared" "I find out any of you were involved in this and I will be back to kill you too". "boss I'm sorry they.. oh shit". Calvin raised his gun and aimed it at one of the security. "You blocked our way" "it's their job. Without ID.." "I get it Killian" killians eyes went wide "yeah I know who you are. Benji told us it's your club" "tell him I will give him a call" "not tonight. he will be busy" "I understand that" all the guys looked at each other as Calvin, Jake, Cena, axel, Waylen and ambrose walked down stairs and out of the club. "NONE OF YOU BETTER HAVE BEEN INVOLVED" "WE DIDN'T KNOW SHIT. THEY NOT LONG AGO GOT HERE" "SOMEONE OBVIOUSLY FUCKING KNOWS" "there's only three who know her address" "shit..".

"Calvin. Do we know if any of those men have been to the house before?" Calvin looked at cena "I don't" "best we speak with Evan or Markus" "let's go back then".
Arriving back at the house only a few were left. "where did everyone go?" "Kendric and Alex went to the hospital with Evan" Calvin clenched his hand. "mack?" Cena took a deep breath "said he needed to go" "oh shit" maverick ran his hands through his hair "do you know something maverick?" "Just that mack had been pissed off because Benji wants to be with Milana instead of spending time with the guys" "I fucking knew it. At the cafe the other day.." "yeah I caught it. I think it's best you keep your distance from him" "oh I am. This is fucked up. He already made her fall.." "WHAT?" "Earlier tonight" "HE BETTER.." "THATS THE LEAST OF OUR FUCKING WORRIES RIGHT NOW".

"Milana?" Milanas eyes flickered "come on gorgeous" milana opened her eyes. Seeing Benji with worry, Milana spoke "hey" "shit we have been so worried. Our peanut as Corey calls her.." "her?" "Corey said it's a girl" the men grinned "another female. God help us" "she will kick your ass Jake" the men laughed "I'd let her" "I'm sure that's it" "piss off Cena" "is our baby okay?" "Yes but you aren't" "what's wrong?" "Your injuries. You need to rest" "to eat" "fluids" "eat" Calvin moved to the top of the bed. "You won't be moving" "what?" "Milana they did quite a lot of damage to you side. You and your baby are very lucky" "I'm not going to just lay in a fucking bed" 'yeah she's fighting' "is Milana awake?" "Yes" "hi Milana I'm nurse Valerie. I have been your nurse for the past two days. For safety we had to keep you under.." "I'm hungry" "you are being fed with a drip" "that's not food.." "Milana they are giving you what you need" Milana closed her eyes and pulled the blanket up. 'im not fucking staying here. I want my bed. I want food. "Milana I understand you are quite frustrated right now. I know you are a woman that likes to keep busy.." "I want everyone out" "ma'am.." Milana stayed silent. Hearing everyone leave, Milana pressed the buzzer above her bed. "You won't be needing that.." Milana removed the sheet. "I want your head doctor" "miss Nash.." "I SAID I WANT YOUR HEAD DOCTOR" "yes ma'am" 'oh she is firing in there' Benji kept his head down. Seeing a doctor rush their way, Benji stayed dead silent. "Men" "doctor" doctor Daniels entered and closed the door.

"Hi Milana" "you are the head doctor at this hospital?" "Yes ma'am" "I would like the full report on my injuries and requirements" doctor Daniels grabbed the report and had a look. "You are seventeen weeks pregnant. The baby is stable. You received two stab wounds just under your ribs. One on each side. Two cuts to the arm. Thankfully no severe damage and your baby was not hurt" "right so why was I kept under for two days?" "For the baby's sake. As your body was in distress, so was your baby" "any permanent damage?" "No" "am I able to move?" "We don't recommend that.." "so I can move?" "Yes" "can I eat solids?" "Yes" "drink fluids?" "Yes but It's best to avoid dairy for the first twenty four hours" "I would like these tubes removed" "ma'am you do need to stay laying down" "why?" "Recovery" "you just stated there was no severe damage. My baby is fine. I can eat solids and drink fluids while Avoiding dairy. If I am up and walking, will it do any damage?" "No" "please remove all of these tubes" "okay ma'am" doctor Daniels, removed milanas tubes and bandaged her arm. "Are you wanting a shower?" "I will need one but I will do that at home" "I need to make sure you can eat some light food and handle water before I can release you" "okay then I will wait" "I will personally get that myself. I want to make sure you are one hundred percent okay before I send you on your way" "thanks."
Milana sat up and moved her legs to the edge of the bed. When the door opened, doctor Daniels walked in. "There's quite a few men out there" "I am aware" "let's see how this settles".

"She has solid food" "stubborn as a fucking mule" "yep" Benji stayed dead silent just hoping to hear something. 'she kicked all of us out. This is unlike her. I don't know what's to come' "Benji?" "Trying to listen in" "can't hear anything?" "No" "holding up alright?" "As best as I can. I just want to be in there" "go in then" "I don't know what she will say" "can only find out" Benji nodded.

"Milana it's very important that you stick to everything. Minimal movement. no soaps. Laying straight on your back. No heavy lifting and a nurse will have to come visit once a day for the first seven days" "you have my address?" "We do" "that's fine. I will fill my partner in" "I'm glad to hear that. Please stick to all of this" "I will".

Benji opened the door and walked back in. "Milana" "hey Benji" 'shes sitting up' "alright Milana that's fine. Remember what I said" "can I have another gown?" "Of course" doctor Daniels grabbed Milana a new gown and Milana stood up. 'what the hell is going on?' "I think it's best you get some help with that" Benji instantly moved and helped Milana put the gown on. "Thanks Benji" "it's fine" "I will arrange for what you asked for" "I appreciate it. Thank you for your help" "you are welcome. Take care Milana" "and you too" "what?" "I'm going home" Benji's eyes went wide "she is under strict instructions" Benji nodded "ready Milana?" "More than" exiting the room with Benji, Milana kept her eyes away from everyone. "What's going on?" Devon took a deep breath "she's going home".

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