Ah yes, sure love getting hit by cars

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edit: changed some wording nothing new


(I know the TWs make it look bad but this won't be an intensely gore-y angst filled fic. I just had to get this out of the way before I could move on to the plot.)

The day started out normally, waking up and scrolling through tiktok for awhile until my friend messaged them. Something about a sleepover? OH YEAH the one we'd been planning with our other friend who was visiting from out of state, I haven't seen them in person in forever.

Figuring out the schedule and getting ready I brought a bag with clothes, a laptop, a sketchbook, my wallet, stuff like that. Since we live pretty close I can just walk to their house, no reason in pulling out the bike (yes I refuse to learn how to drive, not that I have enough money to go to driver's ed anyways) when we met we talked about what food we were getting etc.

--unnecessary boring conversation skip--

With that over with we headed out, I grabbed an umbrella and looked at them like they were fucking crazy when they didn't even grab a proper coat.

"If you get rained on I'm not sharing this. It barely fits me as is dude."

"Nah I like the rain."

"And you're crazy for that, I mean who the hell likes walking around in pouring rain with no umbrella? Risking getting soaked AND getting your phone wet and breaking it. I really don't get you sometimes."

They rolled their eyes at me and we headed out to the nearest grocery store, the snacks are better there and it's closer than a fucking gas station. As much as I would love getting roofied from some gas station sushi.

Along the way we caught up on stuff insulting each other here and there (jokingly of course, I'm not gonna have a damn sleep over with someone who I constantly genuinely fight with if I have other options) After a bit we both get bored and I almost laugh at them when they realize that they can't watch anything because they would risk their phone breaking.

Finally getting to the last intersection I was a bit busy readjusting my umbrella since the rain started falling fucking diagonally. Sighing as I tried to find out which way it had changed directions to I hadn't noticed that I'd walked too far.

Until I felt my friend shoved me in front of a fucking car.

----------------------------TRIGGERING SECTION------------------------------

From then it was a blur, I was hit at full speed and I was sprawled on the ground paralyzed. The car hit my back so I could only watch as the driver hopped out of their car, yelling something into my ear, I barely made out the word "ambulance". I laughed a bit at that before I choked up a bit of blood.

I slurred out some words that I couldn't quite understand through the static in my hearing. I slowly closed my eyes as I accepted the fact that I would be dying cold and soaked on some random intersection without having the chance to say bye to anyone.

Not family, not friends, absolutely no one but the bitch who pushed me in front of a car. I wouldn't say goodbye to them. They don't deserve that. They don't deserve any form of fucking closure. Not after what they did. I feel everything fade away as I die. This really is how it ends, isn't it?

----------------------------TRIGGERING SECTION------------------------------

"What the actual fuck"

Waking up in some strange castle completely pitch black besides the white outlines  was not what I was expecting today. Was this some sick joke? Was it all a dream? Was this the afterlife? My questions were answered when a stranger with almost glowing red eyes walked up to me. They look like a fucking edgelord with those eyes.

"let's make a deal"

(A/N WELL THEN what a strong first chapter eh? I wanted to get this out of the way before getting on to the actual fic. Don't worry this fic isn't gonna be drenched in gore and angst like repeated consequences [no shade to the fic, from what I've heard it's pretty damn interesting] or romanticize/sexualize gore like perfect fucking feast. )

so what if you made a deal with an omnipotent god and then got hit by a carWhere stories live. Discover now