Part 22

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Your POV

I heard Sarah and Gabby yelling at the
top of their lungs.
"Im awake. Im awake! Jeez!" I
mumbled sitting up.

I shivered as my feet hit the carpet. I
lift myself up from the comfortable
mattress and walked towards the
door. I pushed down the handle and
let the door creak open.

"why so early?" I whined. before I could react colorful pieces of paper and chanting came to my hears.

"It's your birthday silly!" Sarah said
to me. I went to hug the six of them and
thank them. Lilly, Victoria, Spencer,
Emily, Gabby, and finally little Sarah.

Today the girls and I were going to
celebrate my 20th birthday.
We'd make the traditional happy
birthday cupcakes we've been making
whenever one of the girl's birthday
came up.

Everyday, Ms. Johnson would come to
check on me. She told me she had a
surprise for me today.

Sarah skipped around me while the
twins shoot a few polaroid photos of
us. I smiled and giggled grabbing her

Gabby gave me a little box and I put it
down on my desk. Lilly and I were the
same age. She was sweet. A little shy.
She was pretty. All of the rumors going around the houses, and the thoughts at the back of my head faded. I was having a good time. For the first time this week I was laughing. I was feeling something else then remorse.

We heard loud knocks on the front
door of the three stories house. More
like hits then knocks. But you know.
That's how boys are!

We all ran down the creaky wooden
stairs in our pyjamas and threw the
door open giggling. The 8 boys ran in
picking me up above their heads
chanting along. The girls joined in
dancing around the group. I laughed
and let myself fly in their arms.

There was Sam, Jake, Scatt, Styles,
Derek, Corey, Cameron and Axle. Jaden didn't make it through the accident last year. He died at the age of 21, and even though I hated him with my entire soul, I'd never wish that on
anyone. They spinned me around, threw me up and down, turned up the music, threw balloons at my face, sang along and chanted to the songs.

My smile was as wide as ever. A
louder knock stopped everyone in
their tracks and I was softly put down
by the boys.
I opened the door gently.

"Hello Allison" Ms Johnson smiled at
me holding a box between her palms.
I let her in and our watcher came to
greet her.

"We've been waiting for you" she
smiled warmly.
"It's great to see them again" Johnson
said, she never put the box down.

"Come sit with us!" Our watcher
continued. She walked into the large
leaving room and sat down on one of
the sofa's. Ms. Johnson followed as
well as the rest of the girls. The boys
were called back to their house by
their watcher, Mr. Shaffer.

The twins sat on the floor. Lilly sat
next to me and Gabby while Sarah was
sitting comfortably on my lap. I held
her tight against me.

Ms. Hampton, our watcher, and Ms.
Johnson discussed a few things for the
twin's arrival. They'd only been here
for about 3 weeks and they still had
some paperwork to fill in and sign.
After a couple of minutes, I'd say
around 30, Johnson finally turned to

Sarah had fallen asleep, i sat up not
letting her fall over and laid her down
next to me with her head on my leg.
"I have a little something for you
dear" she said softly.

I smiled weakly as I read something
into her eyes. I see..
I nodded at her and waited for her to
see more.
"Girls could yo-"I cut her
"They can stay."I said firmly
"Alright" She uncrossed her legs and
sat both her feet on the ground before
standing up. She walked slowly
towards me and crouched down to my

She still had the small box in her
hands and slightly pushed it towards
me as I took it gently in my own.
"We found this a few months ago. I
thought it would only be right to give
it to you today." She stumbled back
over to the sofa and sat herself down

The little box had a small blue bow
wrapped around it. I pulled at the soft
material gently with my fingers and
let itself untie. I retrieved the top of
the container and placed it on my lap.
The sight of it's content made shiny
tears build up at the corner of my

I picked up the chain very slowly,
making sure not to damage the gold.
The whole thing was fragile, feeble,
easily breakable, but so very precious.

There was a small paper at the bottom
of the box. I placed the shiny pendant
on my palm delicately, trying not to
loose control of myself. I analyzed it's
every aspect with awe. I could feel Ms.
Johnson glancing from her hands and
back to me now and then.

The girls were all silent, Sarah was slowly waking up, she was rubbing her eyes gently next to me as Lily was holding her close to her so she wouldn't
disturb me.

I brought my attention back to the
necklace. There was a small locket on
its side. I opened the locket, there was
a small key in the box, I took it and
sniffled quietly.

I placed the key in the lock and turned
it once, twice, and a third time hearing
a tiny little clic, so small even tho it
seemed to fill the room. I waited for a
few seconds, and suddenly, a small
melody started playing.

"That's from Vinnie" Sarah's voice rang
in my ears. I nodded, and couldn't hold it back anymore. I felt a droplet fall onto my knee, then another and another, till I realised they were my tears, running down my red burning cheeks.

I just couldn't stop it. I was letting out
everything I'd held back, and until
today, pronouncing his name was
impossible to me, hearing it would
had teared me apart, and...... now I... I
just needed to come to my reality.

I held the pendant tight it my hand as
the happy little melody kept playing. I
heard Sarah ask if she had done
something to Lilly, but no, she hadn't,
she'd only opened my eyes.

I waited for the music to cease, I
wiped my eyes, I put the cap back in
placed. I slipped the little key in the
pocket of my pyjama shorts and
looked up to Ms. Johnson.

"I thought I should give it to you
today." she started.
I nodded slowly looking into her eyes.

"Read the note. When you have the
She continued.
I nodded again looking down at the
little box again. I lifted my head up to
her eyes once more,
"thank you Miss." I said clearing my
"Allison. Call me Marina.." she said.
I nodded.

"Thank you" I said again.
She nodded and stood up. She pulled
me into a slight quick hug and walked
to the kitchen where Ms. Hampton
was silently making tea.

I lifted myself off the couch.
Lilly opened her mouth to say
something but closed it shut before
any words could escaped her lips.
I threw a small smile at all them and
walked to the staircase. I advanced up
each small step until I reached my
room door and reached for the handle
weakly. I entered the room and closed
slowly locking it.

I let myself slip down the wall and
placed my knees up against my chest.
I turned the key. Once, twice, and a
third time.
I let myself sink into the song, the one
I had hummed that night on the roof. He still remembered it..


Two little psychopaths/ Vinnie Hacker story Where stories live. Discover now