Part 33

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Vinnie's POV

Waking up once again, my vision
blurred, sitting up and confused as I
can perceive the sound of sobs by my
side and the sudden jerk and collision
of a small frame against mine.

The sobs turn into a torrent of tears
though happy or sad I cannot tell.
The body's arms wrap around mine
neck tightly and I breath in urgently
as I hold out my arms around the
person's waist hugging them back
without hesitation. I close my eyes not trying to understand the situation right away.

A voice, sweet as an angel's whispers
into my ear,

"You were right there.. all this time"
She speaks


The voice that I start to recognize
burns through my veins as my eyes
swell up with tears.
"I found you" She continues

A tear spills as much more come
flooding in. I tighten my grip around
her tiny silhouette and I remember
how well her shape fit right into mine,
completing me.

"Oh my god" She mumbles in disbelief
Disbelief indeed. I was scared to let go, I didn't want this to be a dream, I didn't want to wake up from a dream. This felt so real.. and my hopes were so high

Was I finally holding my baby in my
arms, so tightly, yet again? After so
much time and so many struggles.
Slowly she pulls away and I inspect
her swelled up and red face, her eyes
bloodshot though not losing their
gorgeous emerald blue, her hair
falling messily onto her shoulders,
much longer then it was since I'd seen
her last.

I sighed so heavily. She almost laughed as she wiped her cries away.
I sat up completely taking her in.
You couldn't imagine how good this

"Oh Vinnie"

She cried out, letting tears river down
her cheeks once more, permitting her
to throw herself in my arms once

I kissed the top of her head
"I'm here baby"
I whispered reassuringly into her ear
It took a while for her to calm down
but when she had she sat down next to
me on the white sheets.

She told me everything, all that'd
she'd done, the rumors, what they made her believe.

I was mad, so so mad about the things
people had been putting into her
head. But I was so proud, so so proud at what she'd decided to do, on her own.

That's my baby you know, strong and
stubborn, she did the unimaginable.

Oh how much I loved her.
I stared at her so much, trying to
convince myself this was real that I
slowly forgot to listen to her calming

She broke my trance, giggling gently,
snapping her fingers in my face.
I shook my head and blinked a few

Her smile, wow.. that goddamn smile.
It's hard to see someone again after so
long and be reminded of how much
you've been missing out, whether it be
voluntary or not.

This right there was my baby and I
would trade her for nothing in the


Two little psychopaths/ Vinnie Hacker story Where stories live. Discover now